
Its about the principle, maaaaaaannnnnnn,

Yes, Its a well known and widely documented fact that the main reason Trump was elected to office was that Clinton lost the all-important demographics of entitled whiny MRAs and smug, sanctimonious concern trolls.

As long as no one tries to cheapen my love for cheeseburgers.

I wouldn't be surprised if we aren't genetically predisposed to love dogs as well. The amount of time the have been domesticated presumably would be long enough to produce an evolutionary response, and anecdotally, it sure seems like a lot of people have the same type of bone-deep emotions toward dogs that people do

I'm pretty sure crackpot libertarian is redundant.

Yes, why doesn't the Av Club staff have more writers from the mouthbreathing dumbshit demographic.

Because Bill Maher likes to think of himself as a fearless transgressive rather than a smug hack?

I don't know if he was the first to say it, but john mulaney has a bit that is almost that word for word, except I believe he was comparing midget and the n-word.

If we can figure it out, then sure, fusion is better. I only meant that the tech to build geostationary solar arrays and transfer that power to the surface mostly exists now.

If we are going that far, space based solar power is still my preferred clean power solution. We have the tech for that right now.

Their emphasis on bringing coal back is a perfect encapsulation of modern conservative politics.

I appreciate your viewpoint, and yours seems to be the more common reading of the episode. To me, though, when Kimmy said they were just babies, I read it as her, and by extension the show, forgiving them for their obnoxiousness, because in the end, they are still kids.

I don't know, maybe I'm giving the show too much credit, but I don't think it's saying they're wrong necessarily, just that they're a bit obnoxious in the way they go about it. Maybe that's still condescending, but it's not really wrong.

Seeing Wednesday talk with the crow confirms what I always thought. Ian McShane having an agitated conversation with someone who doesn't speak English will never not be funny.

I don't know if I liked the finger flick or the playing dead when the cops showed up more. She had Sweeny so completely overmatched.

I don't know that the show necessarily comes to the ideal conclusion on gentrification, but I love that a half hour comedy filled with cartoon logic and the highest jokes-per-minute rate on TV can spark discussions like this.

Those damndable libs!

The early scene with Varga's stories, for whatever reason, immediately recalled the Larry King 30 Rock scene to my mind.

It's a real cowabunga lifestyle

Well, consider me properly chastened. Not every person who voted for Trump is a moron.