
I don't have a really problem with how UKS makes fun of them, as I think it does so in a relatively gentle way, but everything else you say I think is dead on.

I think UKS does the exact right amount of skewering these overly politically correct college kids. It makes fun of them a bit, then loosely forgives them without letting them off the hook.

Without getting ahead of this episode, I think they do a good job of coming to a reasonable conclusion about the hyper-woke college kids without excusing them entirely.

Titus singing Benghazi over and over as the background vocals cracked me up real hard.

Nah, the left loses because liberal arguments are intellectually based and conservative ones are emotionally based.

You can't base your actions on how some theoretical undecided voter will view them, unless you are a politician. It's doubly pointless to wring your hands over how someone else's actions are viewed by this theoretical voter.

Look dude, I'm done going back and forth. You obviously see this as a huge problem, and I think you are, at minimum, misguided.
Have a good day.

Unless you take that comment sections of Brietbart stories as gospel, you have an extremely loose definition of 'destroy.'

Again, they are fucking kids. Who cares what they demand?

I did just goggle the results- it said they were invited to leave, in a inversion of the tradition of minority students leaving on that day. No one was forced to leave. It was a shitty example for your argument even in your dishonest wording, and a shittier one when looking at the reality.

But what about the pussification of Adam Carolla?

Conservatives are the masters of projection.

What is really ironic about bullshit like this from Carolla is that he is complaining about supposed 'whining' from these college kids, yet there seems to be roughly one million times more whining from conservatives about safe spaces than the issue they are complaining about.

Though to be fair, that is in a medieval context, one where resurrection and magic might be strange but believable. Plus Tormund would probably make a dick joke to the Night King.

You're not wrong, but it doesn't change the fact that when he did hate Walt, Mike wasn't staring stonefaced at him- he was sneering and telling him he didn't like him.
With Jimmy, he's just being his laconic, grumbly self.

I think Mike is constantly irritated by Jimmy, but I don't think he hates him. Contrast their interactions with his later ones with Walter. Mike absolutely detested Walter, and his hatred dripped from every word he said to him. I don't see that with Jimmy.

I liked Suicide Squad slightly more because it had the novelty factor of being perhaps the worst put-together big budget movie I have ever seen. Nothing made sense, nothing led from one scene to the next, and all of it was seemingly edited together at random by blind monkeys.

It would have been funny if Ward just panicked and smashed the bowl on the floor.

Just the kind of thing a globehead would say.

Its been proven that cold showers in West Covina apartment complexes lead to cocaine.