
Lo Scandalo is my favorite episode as well, though a close second is Placebo Effect. Archers family fued-style interrogation of the Irish mobsters gets me every time.

Or a gore ward.

TV shows have also have writer's rooms where a bunch of people bounce jokes off each other.

I would agree that his impact on pop music is irrelevant to all of this.
But I would add, just because I enjoy disparaging the guy, that producing a bunch of disposable pop detritus doesn't make you some sort of artistic genius. This douche won't be anything more than a footnote 10, even 5 years from now.

There's a real 'Dennis Reynolds sitting alone in a police interrogation room' look about those eyes.

Raylan wouldn't have backed down from the bar fight, but he also wouldn't have won. I think he lost every fist fight he took part in.

Ah, ok. His blandness, however, transcends both oceans and borders.

He is immune to sarcasm. Unfortunately, he is not immune to literally every infectious agent on earth.
At least I would assume.

I can't be the only one that sees Charlie Hunnam as just a less interesting version of Travis Fimmel, can I?
Or do I just think all Australians look alike? Good God, is Trump seeping into my mind?

John Wick didn't invent the black Italian suit, but he was the first to recognize its potential as a tactical garment.

I assume that is coming next season, after another time jump. If I recall, Alfred and Ivar briefly played chess, which would fit with Viking's heavy handed foreshadowing

Arnold and Ford's partnership is a lot like Harold and Nathan's backstory on Person of Interest, Nolan's last show. Harold was the brains behind that partnership, and the NSA didn't even know about him.

I think this is in character with Drew- he isn't attracted to Dory at all anymore, doesn't really want to be dating her, but he is either too passive or afraid to break up with her.

I thought his behavior in the last episode was most inconsistent with his behavior, because for most of the show I found him to be a passive-aggressive, whiny prick, and easily the least likeable of the four leads.

…and some of them, I assume, are good people.

It doesn't look like anything to me.

You're not wrong, but then again, most of these people are, like you said, college students. Most things that 18-22 year olds do are annoying, and it's somewhat telling that when conservatives need to find someone to personify the thing their arguing against, basically teenagers are the best they can come up with.

Though to be fair, a Trillby (which I realize is not what Gelman is wearing) tells more about its wearer than most clothing items.

I think things like 'trigger warnings' and 'safe spaces' have taken on a negative connotation because like so many other things, conservatives have been better at controlling messages.

I don't know which part you mean, that people in general being racist is the recipe, or that comments like mine, when I say there are a lot of racists, is the recipe.