
Really I meant people in general tend to vote for strongmen when they are scared, not just conservatives.

One of us isn't listening.

it's not the disagreeing as much as your snide tone and your ignoring everything in the comments you reply to except the tiny snippets that allow you to repeat your same one sentence argument over and over.

You're really just talking to yourself at this point.


You've really taken the scenic route with your comments on this post, haven't you?

This argument is bullshit.

I keep hearing this dumb saying.
Every time I hear someone sarcastically say 'Sure, 60 million Americans are racists,' all I think is: sounds about right, maybe a little low.
Sure, there are plenty of (dumb) reasons that people voted for Trump, but don't kid yourself, a good portion of this country is indeed racist.

My understanding is the short story goes further into the nuts and bolts of why the heptapod language changes your perception of time. For the movie, I guess suspension of disbelief worked for me in place of the why.

The David Pumpkins Special.

Hawaiian pizza with jalapeƱos is shocking good.

Breaking Bad as well is thought of as super dark but is often hilarious. I don't think walking dead has ever contained a joke or even a moment of levity.

They are also slavers. They are still bad, its just Bayaz is also bad. The war between Gurkul and the Union is just one long fight between two wizards, both of whom are pretty clearly super-villains.

Well, if you wanted the most effective medieval army by historical standards, you would just make it entirely of horse archers.

I am still trying to figure out why every army isn't using that tower-shield/pikemen phalanax formation in every battle. It seems a lot more effective than a bunch of guys running around with swords and axes.

First off, yet another great POI- if it has to go out, at least it is doing so on top.

Once Jesse finds out God is gone, he's going to gain two mana crystals so fast it will make your head spin.

Innervated is the word! I knew playing Hearthstone would pay off eventually.

I kind of got the idea Jesse wanted him to try it again. He seems to really enjoy beating up assholes, whether with his fists or with Heavenly voice-magic.

Every time I watch that senator listing all the Jonah insults I smile through all of them until they get to 'The Cloud Botherer' and then I start laughing out loud. Even typing it makes me laugh. I'm glad I'm not the only one.