
I used to be scared and startled as a kid over the most ridiculous things.

- The Game Over Screen from NES Star Wars.

Yep, this is a surefire way to get me to hold off on this game, which is a shame, because Shadows of Mordor was a pleasant surprise and I was looking forward to this.

I can deal with micro-transactions for multiplayer things as long as it is purely cosmetic. When you add loot crates that contain things like XP boost or

I have the same issue with the MMX remake on PSP. Yes, it looks pretty but it *feels* off. When it feels off, I don’t get the same amount of enjoyment that the original had because it seems like the game recieves a artificial boost in difficulty because it plays differently.

See, If Sargon was being blatantly disruptive towards her or towards the panel and *any* point and time, then yeah, call him out on his bullshit right then and there.

Was he sitting there quiet? Did him or his followers do anything in a threatening manner towards anyone on stage? No? Then Anita was in the wrong. You

This is one step closer to a MMX collection that I really want on my PS4.

Make it happen, Capcom.

If you want a break from the game - Take a break from the game. Do you expect TO’s to stop running tournaments because you personally feel burnt out?

No. They’re going to continue to run these tournaments, people are going to continue to come and have a excellent time, without it being a single thought. Yeah, it’s

If I had to wager a guess, it would be because he figured that he was going to go anyway, this is the one thing that he *could* control. Since black men doesn’t seem to get a fair shake in the legal system, it was a matter of years at the point - Am I going to go for 7 years or am I going to go for 14? I know I’m not

With all due respect for Hello Games, I think it’s too late for NMS.

The Genesis one you played was (I believe) was a first party title- the beginning of it had you fighting the minions, but later on in the game, it flashed back to parts of season 2, including the transfer of power episode, and then back to the movie portions.

You’re thinking right - The SNES was made by Bandai, and it

Maybe I’ll be the odd man out, but I really liked it.

Also, My first romp through the game wasn’t alone which I feel is the way this game was designed to be played. Not to mention the difficulty of it gets kicked up half way through the game.

It’s not the best MMPR game, but it’s not a dumpster fire like Mike is saying.

....Hasn’t Mario been rescuing Peach for decades now? What exactly did you expect when you decided to open up a Mario game? I get it, it’s a overused trope, with the big strong man rescuing the poor defenseless woman. Feel free to roll your eyes at it, but don’t try to spin it like it’s not “family-friendly” or

To be honest, it wasn’t too terribly long ago where SEGA was being assholes too and shutting down Shining Force videos on Youtube and sent the creator of the awesome Streets of Rage Remake a DCMA.

It’s the step in the right direction, I’ll admit, but they’re not quite out of the woods yet.