
Interesting. I’d like to introduce to my pet. He’s a peeve. His name is Antarctica, not Anartica.

Wellll...her story is pretty...uh...let’s see:

*ahem* “I would have taken it down, too”

UGH. Pranks that are either physically or emotionally hurtful are NEVER FUNNY. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

As much shit as Patricia Arquette received for her speech, the message that men need to stand up for women’s issues isn’t incorrect. Why aren’t any male actors speaking out about wage equality among their own peers? This applies to men throughout the economic scale: men at each level must be speaking up on behalf of

H2*O* so chemical processes that are breaking water into base elements.

As a Texan driver, that was the most shocking part in this whole video.

That rail line plan was an embarrassment - everyone I know who voted against it (including myself) did so because it was poorly planned and not along a corridor where it would actually be used. We all hoped a better plan would come forward after the last one was rejected. Silly us.

The problem with Austin traffic was the liberals at first. They thought that if they didn’t build the roads the people wouldn’t come (they were wrong). Then the problem became the suburbs around Austin quickly filled with people decidedly not liberal and we got huge interference from non-liberal state-legislators

Yes yes and all that, but here’s the deal with the rail lines. It wasn’t a rejection of rail lines, it was a rejection of spending $1B to build 5 stops of a rail line in an area that didn’t have a traffic problem. The facts are a bit skewed on this.

I hate the show for exactly that reason. People who are going about their lives don’t need to be morally tested for entertainment purposes. Imagine having your unexpected moral crisis filmed and put on television. It sucks. I have anxiety that I’ll be on that show.

Ok, two things:

So I guess he’s guilty until he proves himself innocent? #AmericanJustice

I like how “Schoolie McSchoolFace” is the tongue-in-cheek one.

“Robert E. Lee” came in second.

If Prince didn’t think about “gone,” neither will I. He’s not gone. He’s only as far away as my CDs. And if any of his vaulted songs are released (and I only want them to be if he had wanted them to be), it can be like he never died at all.

They might have taken off their seatbelts to you know. Try and escape the car?

The nice thing about Cronenweth’s work on the original Blade Runner is that it’s probably unlikely the sequel will get a vastly different look. I mean, I’m not suddenly expecting Blade Runner 2 to have a depiction of a clean Star Trek future when the original was a lived-in, grimy, overcrowded noir.