I’m a lifelong Raiders fan, but for fuck’s sake--the education budget? Taxpayers supporting wealthy people? Asshats.
I’m a lifelong Raiders fan, but for fuck’s sake--the education budget? Taxpayers supporting wealthy people? Asshats.
Thank you for this. However, not to knock you, even a little, I think you (we) are in the majority. I am a son of a mother, brother to two sisters, friend to many women, and partner of one woman.
Also, while I have been in locker rooms hundreds of times, I have never heard sexual assault discussed. I’m pretty sure…
If you keep seeing ‘job after job after job’ openings, there is probably a good reason :(
While I have loved REI for a long time, even they--a Co-Op--have been slammed (seemingly accurately) for what they do to their employess. I realize that this is only for their ‘retail’ employees, but it does qualify as ‘hip and cool’.
Short answer: No.
Yes. See, also: Movie directors. Politicians.
Ex. Act. Ly. The ubiquity of ‘casual racism’. THAT’S how fucking endemic it is. :(
If you don’t know the answer to that question, I suggest you not try either.
By industry standards, the ONLY criterion for ‘flop’ is money. Full stop.
Is this headline from a year ago? Because I’ve been hearing about the dangers of Rio Olympics for a year, now. The IOC is as corrupt and awful as fuck. I tends to make a FEW crooked business people super fucking rich, at the expense of the citizens of host cities and the athletes. Time to overhaul this bullshit.
I need your clothes, your boots, and your van...
If your god, goddess, higher power, whatever can’t stand up to a video game, cartoon, whatever, it is weak. However, it’s never the deities, themselves, who are complaining, but their worshippers, and they should just fuck off.
For fuck sake, religion is for fucking children.
Yes. LOTS of it.
And, the majority of Americans, today, still refer to the book this shit came from as the basis for their lives (and hatred of others). I hope that all the religions who created and supported this awfulness die a quick, fiery death.
I sincerely, genuinely, non-snarkily, absolutely believe in the intended goodness of your post. But TALK?!?! I am too fucking angry to talk. I am a white CISHET man and this fucking crushes me. I cannot even imagine what it does to those who are not. I see and hear so many of my family and loved ones continuing to cry…
In a word—empathy. And empathy often leads to altruism. And, since altruism—even unconscious biological altruism—is necessary for survival, it stands to reason that that is innate, while protective aversion is an evolutionary tool we’ve developed. But, as we grow stronger, I think that that protection fades a bit.
I want to see the ‘response prank’ where she tried to ‘hide’ a chef’s knife in his throat.
I am really hesitant to say this, because I’m a man, but one thing about the film business is that the vast majority of people who work in it are paid equitably, regardless of gender, because it’s a union business. My wife and I are both ‘in the business’ and we are paid the same as our peers, in our respective…
Agreed. But that has been the NORM for a decade-plus, now. But yes, it DOES suck.
Actually, I voted against the rail proposal because it was nowhere near my backyard. I would have happily supported it if it actually helped people go INTO downtown, instead of serving only an intra-downtown route.