
Also Roger Deakins, who was DP on both and is returning for Blade Runner.

When the back-up lights went on I spit milk out my nose.

So the FBI paid someone to violate the DMCA? So breaking the law is legal as long as the government pays for it?

in my opinion, the guy in the bmw is trying to get out of the way and didn’t realize that other biker was trying to come up the right side.

Watch the video, if you don’t automatically assume he’s an asshole, it really looks like he was trying to get out of the way of a squid on a sport bike coming up on his ass at 100mph and didn’t notice he was being tag teamed by the other squid coming up on the right hand side. I would guess his issue wasn’t with the

I don’t think he was trying to block anybody. I think he noticed the biker in left lane coming at a high rate of speed and got fixated trying to avoid him by switching back to the right lane. Then he failed to notice the other bike coming up even faster and inadvertently blocked him. Obviously this is just

I must be missing the part where (how) the product reports back to HQ. Whatever the process, this guarantees that I will never buy any product of Skincentia. While I have nothing to hide, I also have no reason to volunteer any info, especially not DNA, to the CIA (or anyone else for that matter).

They could’ve put her on the Small Council that was given to one of the Sand Snakes in the books.

She was quite Smart, but also Insecure, and sometimes flaky (I was her supervisor, and she was often late or a no show). But generally engaging, and a friendly and caring person. I was both shocked at her adult career, but also not surprised somehow at the same time, however that works.

Woodson was T’ed up.

It was a technical foul. They made the free throw and put the game into overtime, where they won, so the play was pivotal.


I imagine there’s a LOT of things that people with that kind of money don’t understand.

Do you know what would be awesome? If we completely divorced health care from the employer/employee relationship. We could have some sort of, I don’t know, single payer system or something.

Drag your nude photo here to see if it looks normal. No images are saved using the original file name.

I tried your password on your gmail account and now there's tentacles coming out of laptop. Should I be worried?

I really like the idea of a counterpoint article from the ex. That would be a valuable perspective.

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.