
for a few years there, it seemed like Angry Birds would be more than just a passing fad
Weird. That NEVER happens. But I was just thinking the same thing as I was dancing Gangnam style.

Also, a better(?) headline:
ANGRY BIRDS is Finnish(ed)

I am really hesitant to say this, because I’m a man, but one thing about the film business is that the vast majority of people who work in it are paid equitably, regardless of gender, because it’s a union business. My wife and I are both ‘in the business’ and we are paid the same as our peers, in our respective

I could be wrong (and probably am) but I believe that color is often used to determine chemical makeup—e.g. determining the composition of various atmospheres, and of stars, etc.

That might be problematic for human life, but not, necessarily, for life. There is nowhere on Earth, for instance, where water (in any form) exists, where life does not.

Agreed. But that has been the NORM for a decade-plus, now. But yes, it DOES suck.

Actually, I voted against the rail proposal because it was nowhere near my backyard. I would have happily supported it if it actually helped people go INTO downtown, instead of serving only an intra-downtown route.

He could stick his assface in a bag of, literally, ANYTHING—horse shit, dog vomit, lava, Grape Nuts—whatever, and he will STILL look like the assface he is.

Fiorina out...cold.

While I couldn’t stand any scene with the Sand Snakes, I’d be willing to suffer worse if it means Indira Varma gets more screen time. I love that lady.

This is fucked up on SO MANY LEVELS. Here, we have a man who is accused/suspected (not convicted) of having pictures of child porn, sitting in fucking solitary, while admitted kid rapist Dennis Hastert walks the fucking streets with support of his (rape-supporting) cronies.

Where are all the fucking

Your vote for a fascist police state has been duly recorded. Thank you.

Sorry, Manziel gets no sympathy from me. Nobody ‘let him down’, but many enabled his genuine, long-standing shitheadedness. He got more breaks than the vast majority of the world’s shitheads. He would have been a shithead, regardless of his pursuits. So, his crash is just the inevitable crash of a shithead—only it’s

After having a rocky relationship with BLADE RUNNER, and finally committing FULLY to the 2007 ‘Final Cut’, I am afraid to have any expectations for this. Replicants don’t age, and, in my mind, Deckard is a fucking replicant—NO QUESTION. Seeing him in the cast makes me think that this might go the completely other way,

I LOVE Roger Deakins—truly one of the greats. But, for atmospherics, and claustrophobia, nobody can touch the late Jordan Cronenweth. But, I will definitely see this.

Yup. That was the biggest WTF moment in the show.

So, a gray-hat is really just a black hat who sells to the gov’t?

Still seems illegal AF, and, also, government overreach.

Unfortunately, these asshats ARE motorcyclists, as am I. But they are also asshats. I’ve been riding for 27 years, and, for most of that time, I lived in NYC metro area. It seems that every time I was driving in a car on the LIE, I would be passed on both sides by rocketeers, and often was afraid of hurting/killing

Actually, I think the question should be posed to those wanting to collect it, no? Just because you may not be able to think of something nefarious does not make nefarious uses impossible—or even improbable.

I LOVE Indira Varma—a LOT—but the whole Dorne story was awful. It should have ended with Oberin’s death, but then find a way to keep Indira around King’s Landing.