
“...but it was Jobs’ magic touch that spurned the multitude of innovations...”
I think the word you’re looking for is spurred.

Also, I, for one, am glad they haven’t improved the display. I’m old, no doubt, but I’m tired of tiny displays substituting for actual good ones.

Is there some kind of charge that can be levied, in addition to murder, for behavior like this? It’s not just ‘no remorse’, it’s MORE than the opposite of remorse.

What was the final call on that?

Except that, regardless of who pays for it, ‘supplementary contraception-only insurance’ does not exist.

Um, since the entries can be used, I’m gonna go with ‘users’. Whoever posted this is a(n accidental?) genius.


While his comments came off as tone-deaf to many, Sanders is, at the very least, consistent. The other part of his comment which is, of course, not part of the headline, is something with which I agree. Clooney, alone, Hillary, alone, are not obscene—the system in which money buys access & leverage is obscene. And

Your suspicion is entirely correct. Every level of our ‘representative government’ is designed to limit the number of people represented. And the Super-delegate, a Democrat-only ruse, created in the 60s, is an unapologetic, obvious device for that.


Do you think any corporation wouldn’t focus on the letter of a contract, if it benefitted said corporation? Or are the corporations with which you do business from the apocryphal land of “FairIsFair”?

I don’t know if this is ‘African’, but I think it might be...
‘...and if he doth holler,
thou shalt let him goest,
eeny, meeny, miney,
-Abraham Lincoln’s Bible

Yes! My (biological) ‘father’ was a complete deadbeat—and moved from NY to CA for the specific purpose of being too far away from my on-welfare Mom, who was raising me and my 2 siblings—for her to be able to afford to pursue him. He then went on to sire another 7 children, with 2 different women. He abandoned the 2 he

Well, YOU trying typing Nominee Nominee Nominee... ;)

Sorry, this is STILL the tailgater’s fault. 100%.

I used to rent 1/4 of a cow, for raw milk. But then I’d just boil it. (kidding. I never fucking did that).

I gotta admit, when I read the headline, I thought, ‘These people have suffered a tragedy, borne of their own ignorance, but do not judge them because I’m sure they realize their error, and must live with it, forever.’

However, after reading the whole post, I now think ‘These folks are the most craven fucking monsters

Portland? Who the hell lives in Maine?

Except that, in this case, those two lines are 180º from each other. The school is a public institution that should have to answer to the public, while private citizens should not be subject to privacy violations.

Maybe this is the argument you were making? If so, sorry for the interruption.

However, I will not use ANYTHING inside my house that can be controlled by a smartphone app or wifi—if YOU can access it, so can anyone else with wifi. The Internet of Things is really an invitation into your home—to everyone.

I’m an analog man in a digital world.

A, perhaps, better question for many: If your true love asked, would you STOP fucking goats?

No! Goats cannot consent to Jesus Christ!