
Lack of salary transparency benefits ONLY the employer—full stop. Of course most companies ‘frown’ on it. But, fellow employees’ salaries and your own personal need are the worst arguments to make. I heartily endorse your advice of doing research (both within and without the company) and also looking for a new gig.

It’s not. Or, at least, it wasn’t, until everybody started using vagina and vulva interchangeably. See, also: VaJazzle (which would require major surgery if the term were used accurately).

The ‘greasy food’ idea works only if you’re still drinking, or still drunk. It’s not a good idea for a hangover. And, in the ounce of prevention dept., drinking a Gatorade BEFORE going to sleep can also help. Hangovers are mostly just dehydration and lack of sleep.

‘Holy fuck I can’t stand these douchebags for another minute!’ —every member of One Direction

Also, the USCG PJs—the baddest badasses who ever badassed.

Or maybe on a group that is neither.

Copyright or Trademark? My understand is that you can neither copyright words nor titles. See the number of films with the same title that have nothing to do with one another. If anything, the MOVIE should have to pull its title, for a couple of reasons. 1. It came later than the Pantone Pixels (but Pantone IS a

I’ll take ‘The Giff’ over ‘The Gipper’ EVERY TIME. RIP, Mr. Gifford. You were a really nice man.

Thank you. Agreed. Also, Sting (is he still alive?)

“...Nor do they seem voyeuristic; because Clark was a part of the tribe he was shooting...”

First, you do not seem to understand the term ‘voyeur’. Second, while Clark may have had some plausible deniability in the 60s, in the 90s (his 50s) no such thing exists. He is a fucking pedophile/hebephile/exploiter. And you’ve

Probably true. And all the sadder.

They don’t want hard evidence, either. They want an excuse (ANY EXCUSE) to not have to disrupt their fantasy that Bill Cosby is a really nice fellow who loves kids and Jell-O. None of which are true. HE IS A FUCKING MONSTER.

HOW ABOUT WE...date for the rest of our very short lives?

There was a second year?

One thing this was NOT an ad for is Instagram. Not. Even. Considering. It.
Are these people ‘famous’ enough to just have to appear in the same picture as the product? Seems like less than half are actually trying to show the results—ESPECIALLY the teeth-whitening shit.
Lindsay Lohan probably didn’t finish any of her

If it seems that I was correcting her, that is a mistake on my part, as that was not my point at all. My point was to shine a light on what I think is the most important lesson—that girls and women often have agency even when they think they no longer do. Girls (especially) reading this can see that no matter how far

Oh, I completely agree that they were shitty—no question. But how many models get to her point and think they’ve already given up their say? See fucktard Terry Richardson. I stand by my assessment that women need to know that they ALWAYS have agency, even when they may think that they do not.

“...My input and my consent had never been sought...”

The things people will put up with to be married to a billionaire...

“...They’d say she won because she was physically stronger than everyone else, not because she actually had skill...”
I remember THOSE idiotic comments. As if being stronger isn’t part of athleticism. I was always, ‘Go, Martina!’, and now I’m ‘GO, SERENA!’