
There was a second year?

One thing this was NOT an ad for is Instagram. Not. Even. Considering. It.
Are these people ‘famous’ enough to just have to appear in the same picture as the product? Seems like less than half are actually trying to show the results—ESPECIALLY the teeth-whitening shit.
Lindsay Lohan probably didn’t finish any of her

If it seems that I was correcting her, that is a mistake on my part, as that was not my point at all. My point was to shine a light on what I think is the most important lesson—that girls and women often have agency even when they think they no longer do. Girls (especially) reading this can see that no matter how far

I said, ‘unless they need help’. Be well. I’m done.

Anyone who thinks this has any basis in ‘morality’ is mistaken. This is extortion.

I could not disagree more with your last sentence. Strangers and their problems, unless they need help, are of no interest to me, whatsoever.

Oh, I completely agree that they were shitty—no question. But how many models get to her point and think they’ve already given up their say? See fucktard Terry Richardson. I stand by my assessment that women need to know that they ALWAYS have agency, even when they may think that they do not.

Sounds like somebody has had relationship problems. But just remember, whomever your SO is, YOU chose that person, and it is YOUR relationship. I grant you that cheaters suck, but wanting strangers to out people is unnecessarily vindictive, and very ‘misery loves company’.

I truly hope that you can, one day, move on.


“...My input and my consent had never been sought...”

Is ‘Beard Growther’ literally ‘time in a bottle’?

Also, who wants to block a CPR call? Isn’t that called DNR?

The things people will put up with to be married to a billionaire...

If only this weren’t directed by Snyder. I fucking hate Snyder’s directing.

“...They’d say she won because she was physically stronger than everyone else, not because she actually had skill...”
I remember THOSE idiotic comments. As if being stronger isn’t part of athleticism. I was always, ‘Go, Martina!’, and now I’m ‘GO, SERENA!’

But what about the sound system designed by Noel Lee? You thought it was pretty great 2 years ago, no?

Nice! And, I now realize that my friend, Shane, was the cinematographer. I’ll have to watch this again soon!

But if it’s truly non-removable, does that mean when the battery finally wears out/can’t retain a charge (as they always do) that the camera is also finished?

NOW I UNDERSTAND! I’ve been misreading the memes, all along. The GOP aren’t job creators; they’re Job creators.

‘the crowdfunding of Jesus’s release’
That didn’t get much traction, either.