
The key to a successful false equivalence seems to be ‘FIRST AMENDMENT’ (used by people who have NO FUCKING IDEA what that means.) See, also, Donald Trump.

Agreed. I am tired of ‘deterrents’ becoming just the ‘cost of doing (illegal) business’. If you violate a big enough law (and, in 2015, discrimination qualifies) you should be run out of business, not merely penalized. See, also, Wall Street.

Off topic, but the word you seek (in paragraph 1) is ‘bakery’s’, not ‘bakeries’. Sometimes, an apostrophe IS needed.

Also, in paragraph 2, the word is ‘couple’—as there is only one.

You may want to find a copy editor.

And here I thought that Audi drivers had replaced BMW drivers as THE WORST.

This dude keeps a baseball bat in his car? Hmm. He’s LOOKING to get his ass whupped. I hope he finds what he seeks.

Perhaps we will find that Jon doesn’t need Dany..?

Now playing

So NOW I know what happened to Tanner Boyle. I thought he was such a nice boy, too.

Suddenly, the real reason for flamethrowers is revealed.

First, if you’re waiting to GRRM to write this, the entire series is done. There is no way he will crank out another book in time. However, if he, Benioff, and Weiss collaborate...

Melisandre’s prophecies did not, specifically, include Stannis. In them she saw HERSELF walking the grounds of King’s Landing, and she saw

Women are supposed to accept, graciously, ALL compliments—however fucked up—because the men who are taking time out of their own busy day to catcall you sincerely want to appreciate you. They’re just trying to brighten your day, and show you how they are better than all those uncaring BAD MEN you seem to like. The

While I really want to agree with you, mental instability is also found in PDs across the country. See, also: Tamir Rice murderer.

I have no fucking idea who Ed Sheeran is. And, nope, will not do the research.

“...Small, humanoid creatures with dark skin and oversized eyes...” is this from the books? Because the “children” on the show look pretty goddamned white.

As a man who loves women, my only advice to women is to try to be comfortable in your own skin—whatever that skin looks like. If you think you’re attractive, I’m pretty sure others will agree with you. Bring it!

The sheer number of ‘undead’ has always been their strength—in every zombie story. I actually hope we move away from them, for a while. I’ve seen so many zombie stories that, at this point, it’d be tiresome for GoT to continue down that path with no return to the more human issues of Westeros and beyond. While I did

These stories have always freaked me out a bit. I remember, when my son was born, I sent out birth announcements to family and close friends. The announcement was a picture of my newborn, nude, with all the pertinent details. It was (IMO) and innocent, beautiful expression of joy. However, my son’s godmother said to

Yes. Singular Visions only work if that vision is, actually, good.

Mea culpa. I have now read your post, and see that what you say is correct. However, the combination of headline, accompanying photos, and first FOUR paragraphs leave Caitlin Roper on the hook for this hate speech. You do not acknowledge that these were not her actual words until paragraph 5. I’m not a journalist, but

I dug a little deeper, and, it seems that Caitlin Roper was trolled. She is NOT responsible for that anti-LGBT tweet. Someone posing as her wrote and promoted that tweet, using her account. Don’t believe everything you read—on either Twitter OR Gawker.