
Burn, Hollywood, burn...

I think the problem is that, despite being accused, he was never CHARGED with anything (thus, no conviction). Her protest was about that fact.

Except, in this case, the cops were doing most of the killing.

The patches have nothing to do with it—except that they identify the group that maintains control. And it IS about turf—as in the areas in which a group controls illegal businesses.

InTouch’s editor, David Perel, told Jezebel that the piece “was never supposed to be posted and went up by mistake,”

Hahahahahahaha. Of COURSE, you were ‘holding on to that’. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ahh, the famous ‘Lance Armstrong Defense’... Only he could end his rant with only ‘Diz Nut’.

Fuck them both. Fuck them ALL.

Well SOMEBODY just got his press pass revoked for the next ‘fight’. Good for you! Fuck Mayweather.

That would take me decades to shake—IF I could ever shake it. I remember I had JUST learned to drive a manual, and was driving my first car—a 10 year old POS Datsun B210. There was a narrow, twisty hill on the way to my grandparents, and I was headed there. In first gear, I FLOORED it up the hill, too terrified to

Just knowing I’m not the only one is more than enough payment! Glad we both survived our childhoods!

I swear my oldest recurring nightmare is almost the same, but I’m falling backward down the hill. I once had to drive a manual car in SF, and it was white knuckle the entire day. I often wondered why that was the dream I had, until my mother mentioned—in my adulthood—that as a toddler I had fallen backwards down a

The better argument is that Tesla has paid its loans (subsidies) back. And, the fact that their R&D is open-source means that many businesses—even competitors—can avail themselves of the technology. The subsidies that have been given to Tesla have the potential to benefit everyone, whereas that has not been the case

You mean, ‘If you need a getaway car that you can use like a burner phone...’ ;)

Because my responsibility is to make MY page better for YOU?! Hey, asshat, here’s another picture of WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT TO POST. SUCK IT!!!!!

IMO, the best pregnant woman reply to any man’s ‘discomfort’: I made fucking eyeballs today—STFU!

More ‘baring her fangs’ than smiling. She is poison.

This is fucking terrible. She is a RAPIST—full fucking stop. Has it occurred to anyone that his only reason for staying is for his daughters? He complains (rightly) that he had no support, and that he was confused and depressed. I seriously doubt he’s been able to get any help since then.

The fact that SHE has wanted

I actually went to 7 proms, over the years, but none were with MY date. I became the go-to escort for aunts’ babysitters, siblings’ friends’, and cousins. In retrospect, I had fun. I never knew anyone (incuding some of the girls I accompanied), so all the pressure was off.

7th Grade Sock-Hop. I’d had a crush on this girl since 2nd grade. It had taken me 5 years to work up the courage to talk to her, directly. I asked her to the dance, and she said YES. I was on cloud 9 for a week. Finally, the night of the dance came, and we arrived separately. She made a beeline to another kid and they

I’m a guy who goes shopping with his female partner. She is a ‘plus-size’ (plus WHAT?) and, while I genuinely like shopping with her (I love having a say in what she thinks ‘looks good’) I have to be dragged into a fucking Lane Bryant. Nothing says ‘We hate large women’ more than the selection at LB. It’s as if they