
Do you not realize that almost every sitcom in Seinfeld’s era had an audience? Seinfeld also paved the way for shows like Sunny and Arrested Development. Prior to Seinfeld there weren’t a lot of shows that were almost exclusively about terrible people.

I think by “radical” change he means they should give James Bond a skateboard and a guitar so he can do cool tricks while chasing after bad guys in urban areas before rushing to his band’s gig at night.


Maybe she’s tired of being called a whore by unnamed supposedly feminist websites?

People really need to get past this whole notion that it wasn’t rich finance people that drove and made millions from the GME saga.

Care to enlighten us with context?

Can you explain? I literally can’t find anything on Google while searching for this in relation to Breathedge or Redruins Softworks.

I haven't encountered any homophobia, or missed it because I ignore so much of the awful dialogue. What did it say? 

“No.” - Wealthy people with connections

If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.

Seems that final line is calling Grimes a prostitute, and not in a “sex work is work” kind of way. I’m trying to think in what way that sentiment would be out of place on an MRA forum, and am coming up empty.

I think you should post this a few dozen more times

Unpopular opinion, as someone who lives in a neighborhood and previously had an alley: Fuck this guy. His claim is nonsense. Either he drives like an asshole over that speedbump, making him a danger to his neighborhood, or he modified his car in such a way that it can’t go over a speedbump, when he lives in a spot

oh noes she failed an impossible purity test, we’d better eat her

I’ve genuinely had the game since PS3 and never noticed the trans sex workers, not a single time.

As a cis male, I encourage others to be supportive and otherwise shut up.

Yes, I do. While judges do throw shit out, U.S. jurisprudence is still based on precedent. This is why court cases like Roe v. Wade are significant. Throwing out precedent is the exception to U.S. legal practice, not the rule.

This EV won’t work for me because the commute to my job is 20 miles each way and once I get there they don’t give me enough money to buy this car.

Sure, it is the artist’s property. Unless he sells it.

Marty did great work, his video game music will go down in history with the all-time greats, but the dude is a real piece of work personally and professionally, so he’s ultimately just getting what’s coming to him when he pulls shit like this.