
She did 1, 2, and 3. Neil Druckman and Bruce Straley (The Last of Us) did Uncharted 4

As always, don’t feed the vultures, scammers, and rats on reseller sites. Either admit that you don’t care about devs making their share, and pirate the game, or just pay the $2 more to get it from steam/gog/whatever.

Finally a reasonably priced electric car that has some modicum of personality. 

I mean, sure, the games were great. TF2 sold worse and was a better game. My point isn’t that they were bad, only that they sold poorly, so it makes little sense for them to ditch what’s working for...whatever is happening here.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand what on earth would lead them to cancel a Respawn Star Wars FPS. The Jedi games (licensed) have sold well, Titanfall (original) didn’t. Why would a genre they have excelled at (FPS) with a license that has sold games (Star Wars) not be a shoo-in? It’s absolutely possible it was

I was absolutely bored by the insipid writing in the game—in a genre where writing is the most important part--so I don’t wholly disagree, but ugly? Damn bro, time to up your glasses prescription

Thank you, I was waiting for this reply. 

I get your point, and I don’t even think you’re wrong, but the reversal was unexpected and the doubling down was excellent for me. Each to their own!

All true, but I thought it was a perfectly solid poop joke at the end. 

This says: they remastered it well. The original review says

This is a really not a good defense. First, you’re ignoring his other problematic work (see Bazzd’s comment below). Second, as already stated, I have no interest in arguing about whether or not Heinlein, the author, is a fascist. A book can be a blip, an accidentally fascist book. It is, simply, what it is, whether or

Look, dude, are we talking about a novel, or Heinlein’s personal politics? If we are talking about the novel, we have only the novel to discuss, and what it says and “Heinlin later explained” doesn’t mean anything. Authorial “intent,” especially as given as a rebuttal to criticism the novel received, can kiss my ass. I

The JOBS act allows for a million dollars of crowdfunding from non-accredited investors. This wasn’t true when fig started, but it was in the pipeline, and they made use of it after. It is, obviously, of limited use, as that kind of money doesn’t do much.

Right, right, there is absolutely nothing fascist about restricting the right to vote or hold office to the people that have gone through the government brainwashing program, and the novel definitely doesn’t glorify fighting and the infantry as the heart of the moral philosophy. It isn’t like the protagonist’s

Yup, a long time ago.

It’s actually a little bit more annoying than that, because on the screen where they show that 2%, the other stats we can see are 28.5% of “Films from top 10 distributors in 2022 contained LGBTQ characters” and 10.6% “Of all series regulars on primetime scripted broadcast series in 2022-2023 television seasons were

Oh, so...uh, you really can’t learn then. You keep making the exact same failures. While yes, when you play a game you play “as” the character, and, yes, “it’s a goddamn videogame,” but you keep treating these SIMULTANEOUSLY as if they are both true (despite being diametrically opposite), and that ONLY they can be

I appreciate that you come at this from two different angles (good for you!) and still manage to WILDLY miss the point.

Honestly, smart. Sony has a huge lead in consoles, and the exclusives simply aren’t bringing over that many people. Delay it a year and the people who would get an xbox will still migrate, and the people that won’t switch will pick up a year-old game for $70 on PS5. It’ll probably help (a little) the next time they do

Loving the big-yikes energy here.