
I mean, that success WILL matter, but remember that this game has been in development for a long time, so we will see more devs/publishers put out SP games in the next 2-4 years that are a response to things like BG3, then one will tank, and some MP title will be huge and you’ll see games responding to that, etc., etc.

What’s wild is that if they had just put out a 15-20 hour game, I would give them my money and enjoy the hell out of it, but because they’re trying to do this live service nonsense, I’ll do what I did for Avengers, which is wait for it to drop to $20, play through the campaign and they’ll have wasted a hundred million

Do they really think they can just fold her in to the cast?

No, it’s an uncorroborated claim from someone with firsthand knowledge. While that isn’t the same as being a fact, it is also very different from being a rumor.

It was STRIKING how great Metro Awakening looks (visually), immediately followed by Legendary Tales, which looks like a generic PS2 hack and slash ported to VR. It was a side-by-side comparison of the highs and lows of VR development.

There is a lot to admire in the game (while blunt and manipulative, the white phosphorus bit is a fantastic critique of COD MW’s jingoistic embrace of military tech), and if it had come out 5 years before Bioshock (a game that is already a better adaptation of Heart of Darkness), rather than 5 years after, I would

Thanks for the recommendation! We don’t read this, though it would go very well, as instead I have them read excerpts from Keogh’s Killing Harmless, and then we move on.

Woof, that is a dark thought. I hope you play more shooters, friend, as this isn’t a very good narrative.


Tacked-on anything is bad, obviously, but investigating something early on, and considering how it will work with things is the opposite of tacked-on.

Outer Worlds, PoE, and Tyranny are all very bleh, at best. PoE and Tyranny are great games, but bland and generic looking, replicating old isometric RPGs, but not learning lessons for them.

I couldn’t agree more, well put!

I don’t understand why Obsidian’s game look so...bad. I don’t mean that they’re not super-high budget, I mean that they don’t look good. Most of them are actually quite excellent, but lord almighty, it’s like their art and design teams hate each other, and never collaborate to make the art work with the gameplay, and

All of you are so incredibly bad at seeing the forest for the trees. First, let’s look at the trees: Mandlore had about 4 million on it during the clone wars (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Absolutely_Everything_You_Need_to_Know), and then, immediately after the clone wars, was bombarded into literal

It never says “There are only 100 of us, exactly, for that is the number left,” but multiple times they point out that the weird cult and the bounty-hunters are essentially all that is left (plus the teeny handful of apocalypse survivors on the planet), which is further bolstered by essentially everyone being

Self-reply to note that now penny arcade made the same exact joke. Not because I was stolen from, but because the joke is so obvious, based on everything else they’ve been up to: https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2024/01/10/mandu-the-groag

I hope the exact opposite. They’ve spent a lot of time saying there are only about a hundred Mandalorians left, so to have them turn around and say, oh, wait, no, there are 100 million of us, and now we have cities and are powerful enough to repel attack, LOL, would just be an eyeroll.

The Mandalorian and Grogu sounds like an animated 15 minute show specifically aimed at 6 year old children.

What digital storefronts can you buy Half Life: Alyx on? Only Steam? But how will 3rd parties consider the Steam Storefront seriously if it’s wiling to gate games on their platform?

I’m genuinely surprised that they don’t seem to be doing any PSVR2 projects, as they were putting out some great early VR stuff.