
This is a well articulated summary of my feelings in reading the other reviews. Frankly, it’s a little depressing to me that the broad concensus of critics in this medium seem only capable of engaging and lionizing themes surrounding extreme violence in games.

I like the "Blood Meridian" analogy here

Another suggestion, another I couldn’t help myself.

If you say so fussbudget.

You just used the word rad. That explains exactly why you like it.

Yikes. I wonder how long until they release their first redesign so I can buy one that doesn’t look like this?

Because people like you have bad taste.

When we realized we have to put them in our living rooms. I don’t want to have to redo my decor to keep my new console from looking out of place. Be minimalist and melt into the background. Standing out is the last thing I need of a console - I have decorations for that.

I would much rather have a black block of bricks like the Series X than whatever abomination Sony decided to design here.

This thing looks like it fell out of the sharper image

“I like it because it’s not just another box.”

I’m largely indifferent to the look of PlayStation’s latest. I don’t love it, I don’t hate it. But anything was gonna be a step down from the original PlayStation 4. That thing’s is the single most attractive looking piece of tech I’ve ever owned.

It looks like what people in the 90's thought future consoles would look like, in a bad way.

It’s really ugly, and those complaining againt the brick series X has not even see the size of the console to make the joke...

I’m kinda disappointed by the mods highlighted in the article. I know they aren’t flashy or ‘sexy’ (not meaning physically sexy, more like mods that when done right, you don’t even notice) but little things like the Shut up SAM mod, Faster landings and takeoff for Tempest, or the mod that makes augs actually worth a

What’s especially droll about this writer’s take is that there was a huge backlash prior to (and after) the game’s launch where a bunch of gamergater-ass incels lost their shit over how allegedly ugly she was—it was all the same gross shit you would expect.

Seeing somebody matter-of-factly “fix” her appearance in a

Beat me to it. “Fixes some poor character designs” as we see Peebee whose original design was great replaced with a less interesting generic barbie-doll version of herself. Snore.

Yeah color me surprised the first several mods (3/5 of them) are just about fixing the women’s appearances. Sadly, par for the course for moddable games. The first dozen mods are always “make all females nude” “make all females nude but now with giant tits“ “fix female companions faces so my pp tickles“ “prostitution

Do any of the mods make the tons of fetch quests worth doing, or have any kind of written narrative attached to them at all?

Yeah for sure, but steam makes it a streamlined and hassle-free experience for 2 or more friends to download the same workshop content, and play in multiplayer together. The main beef I have with launchers other than steam is that they do the bare minimum of what a launcher should do (and often badly at that). The vast