
TVADGYCGJR looks like the code you enter in-game to unlock God Mode.

TVADGYCGJR was Elon Musks second choice for the baby name.

Okay, thanks for letting us know your decision on using one digital storefront over another, we were getting really worried.

“It’s okay to be exclusive out of convenience or tradition, but if you make the choice based on being paid, it’s bad!” is not the powerful take you think it is.

Yeah, but at what cost?

Total War was literally exclusive to steam and nobody cared. Now this is timed exclusive to epic and you're all pissed off. You guys make no sense to me.

“Don’t be a dumb ass” isn’t enough?

How about this: if you see ANYTHING out of the ordinary, whether it’s in your lane or 4 lanes away, you should immediately take full control of your vehicle and retain it until you are clear of the disruption.

I’d guess when you see it’s not moving out of the lane with a fucking overturned truck blocking it?

Can confirm.

Close but no.

Infinite’s nonsensical ending is the most desperate fumble for poignancy ever.

Gears 5 is awesome, your loss.

Microsoft paid Epic handsomely for the rights. That’s how buying things works.

It’s amusing that it’s gears 3 because I hadn’t heard anything noteworthy of the franchise since

The Irishman was really, really not good. Like jarringly so.

The Irishman was really, really not good. Like jarringly so.

One highly specialized player, who spends his life analyzing every quirk of the game, managed to win a tournament in a unique way.

So you haven’t put any time into a Madden game for almost 15 years, and you’re ready to completely denounce it because of one weird tournament result?

Buy this refurb xbox one X, a few months of gamespass... baby, you’ve got a stew going.  For very little cash. I love the X and games pass.

Buy this refurb xbox one X, a few months of gamespass... baby, you’ve got a stew going.  For very little cash. I

The key takeaway from this isn’t that it looks fucking hot, it’s the implications for development pipelines. Being able to import raw models and lighting data without touching it and having the engine turn it into something that works in-game seems like it could be a huge time save. Especially (as they mention) when