
It’s not exactly “one-shot” but I found there were very few enemies (outside of mercenaries) that couldn’t be stealthily killed with the Critical Assassination followed by the ability that does a 60% assassin damage leg sweep/stab. Do it quickly, and it’s no more likely to alert other guards than a regular

This was an entirely third party presentation. The next “exclusive original IPs” first party one is in July so keep your calendar open and your Covids away!

I thought the same exact thing but when someone pointed out it’s on Steam I checked it out and yep, it looks real (maybe not 100% identical to the trailer, but maybe he optimized it for Series X in exchange for $$$$). Interesting thing is if you buy Bright Memory for $10 on Steam now you get Infinite for free. Nice

It’s CDPR. I generally agree with you. But when it comes to releasing worthwhile and compete games, CDPR have developed a lot of trust and goodwill among the gaming community. I still won’t be pre-ordering, but they aren’t really a company I would use as an example of why pre-ordering is generally a bad idea.

It’s CDPR. I generally agree with you. But when it comes to releasing worthwhile and compete games, CDPR have

Reading that quote again... How were his actions not “malicious” in light of remarks like that? It wasn’t a “lapse in judgement,” it was deciding to be an asshole and fuck with an event. And as for “apologizing,” I don’t believe him. You can’t just say your sorry when you that blatantly broke the rules, you’re just

Wow, this story really has brought up some of the worst in the community, huh?

So .. are you going down with the ship? Every post from you that I see (increasingly more for some unexplained reason) makes me first wonder if it’s a goodbye post.

Hey, they don’t spend a lot of time on the modern day stuff, either.

Weird, I was just debating whether to pick up a copy of Tolkien’s Beowulf last night.

I love it; speeds things up. But oh the bugs. Twice I’ve been 2/3 through and run into irreplaceable vanished weapons and none of the workarounds have solved it.  Feels like a beta its so bad for me.

Fellowship was a far more complete and gratifying story for newcomers than Remake, how dare you. Just because something is the first chapter doesn't mean it cant have self contained arcs. If Remake had made the Shinra villains more compelling and not bring in all the shenanigans to instead focus on closing out a

You’re forgetting that the original game was *the full game.* Credits did not roll outside Midgar as they do here. In fact, about 5 minutes after this point in OG you stroll into the Kalm Inn and cloud lays out the Nibelheim incident where all your Sephiroth/Jenova/Cloud/Tifa/5 years ago related questions are mostly

But that was fine since you don’t actually see Sephiroth in the OG Midgar section, only his sword sticking out of President Shinra’s back. It’s Clouds creative retelling of the Nibelheim incident that starts to give context to their relationship and that doesn’t happen until Kalm. Up until then a newbies only know

Uhm, not really. While yes, you didn’t know much more about Sephiroth at the end of Midgard in the original, that was about 5 hours into a game that was telling a complete narrative. In Remake, you’re fight against Sephiroth is the conclusion of what was billed as a complete story unto itself, despite it being the

This is a supremely dumb comparison, because this instance is the finale of a game, as opposed to being 25% into a game that keeps on going right after this point. Who cares what you knew at this point in the original, because the original story didn’t go on pause for 2+ years once you left Midgar.

The straw... you sir are a credit to the Space Rangers.

I guess I know who is behind the development of this game...

Oh, come on. It’s not that hard. One of the games is Groundhog Day in Space, and the other is Fallout New Vegas in Space.

Now you don’t even sound fun.