
Make it real. Make it real. Make it real.

It’s too accurate. The “real” one moves and makes noise and has emotions. This one will only sit on your desk and stare blankly with its dead eyes...until you’re not looking...

Yes - of course it’s important to know that the word has been used as a means to dehumanize groups.

It honestly feels like you’re trying to manufacture controversy where none exists.

Not quite the same but I fucking love how Prime does it, with a little panel on the pause screen showing what actors are in the scene and sometimes a little fun fact about production.

No thank you 

I just started exploring Lovecraft’s writing after reading Lovecraft Country. I went into it knowing about his racism, but I still wanted to explore the cosmic horror. Of the stories I’ve read, a lot of the racism is almost non-existent.

If an artist is racist but a work is not transparently racist, can you separate the art from the artist and enjoy it?

Not really true in Lovecraft’s case, though.

Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.

As predicted...

Since TadBravo deletes comments I’ll post here because honestly it should be pushed back at:

 Can’t wait to get my whole family VR sets, so we can really start to bond.

congrats on not hearing a pretty fun song

Gaming got popular, and a subset of people who built their identity around gaming being non-popular are hostile of anything that gives it wider appeal.

Is Joker going to become this years Green Book? A shitty film that wins best picture but anyone with a hint of film taste thinks is terrible.

I finally watched the Joker this week and ended up feeling like it’s a weird movie to generate so much praise and hatred. For context I afterwards watched King of Comedy, and it struck me that what Joker misses is some sort of psychological and/or moral clarity about the character we’re watching. Without that it’s

Is your point directed at this author? Because I didn’t see any place in the article that demanded BSG do anything. In fact, the article seems to jive with your articulated method for consumers to enact change - the article states that BSG can’t/won’t/doesn’t want to add female characters; consumers can read the

And articles like this help me make an informed decision about which developers I support.

Smartwool - warm, no stink.

Smartwool - warm, no stink.