
My headline would have been “The First Witcher’s Combat Is Fucking Garbagetown”, an opinion I formed when the game was fresh.

Companies aren’t in the habit of canceling major projects if there’s not behind the scenes issues. EA’s mismanagement is certainly a factor, but there’s been plenty written on how those projects were killed because they weren’t going anywhere (or at least not anywhere good).

Though, reading between the lines, his feelings towards the games may have more to do with how royally he screwed himself on the licensing agreement with CDPR. 

Very interesting word choices for someone not wanting to sound antagonistic... 

I loved Anthem for the first 10 hours. The combat is great one of my favorite shooters but lack of endgame content and bad loot ruined what could have been my favorite shooters of the year

It’s basically Goodfellas, but without nearly every main character being a sociopath.

Hellblade 2 looks great and I’m definitely gonna get it when it comes out but lets be real here.. Senua’s Saga isn’t exactly an epic on the same scale as GOW. I could be wrong when it is finally released but I would be glad if it does turn out as awesome.

Tokyo Jungle! Taking down a lion or rhino or frickin’ dinosaur with a pack of cats or beagles or Pomeranians was pretty epic. This is the game I most want ported to the Switch, but it was a Sony published game so I’m probably out of luck.

While certainly not an “obscure” game, DE:HR always stuck out to me in the way it handled some of its characters, particularly those setup to be obviously bad guys but wern’t quite. Also good ending sequence that was in a similar vein to Mass Effect 3 but worked a whole lot better IMO.

Everybody play Sleeping Dogs immediately. The steam version is constantly on sale and has everything.

Everybody play Sleeping Dogs immediately. The steam version is constantly on sale and has everything.

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

Dude, it’s been like less than a week. Forgiveness is not something instantaneously granted upon demand. Actions lead to consequences, and then atonement leads to forgiveness. We are in the consequence part of the cycle here. The consequence of embarrassing his employers is a financial hit and the consequence of

Yeah, the dude from Holland explaining the history and culture behind shit talking assholes is definitely racist. Did you even read the whole thing he said? Don't be a trashcan American, and if you aren't, don't act like one 

A couple of every day style stories here, at least compared to the extremes that this column can go to.

I’m a giant nerd (literally and figuratively, see below) and my wife is always completely jazzed for us to use this stuff in our games. She completely loves it, so its not as uncommon as you might imagine. Our group is 50% women, so a lot of those old ideas are just that: old. Their pics aren’t posted (at their

Lay off the poor guy. It’s not his fault he literally can’t envision a relationship where his partner also enjoys something he does.

Press F to pay respects to Deadspin’s “BEARS” tag

Well, it’s intended that the difficulty is appropriate for a Jedi Master, not that it makes you feel like a Jedi Master.