Still not as cheap as upgrading a PS5, but at least the monopoly is finally over. Hopefully we’ll see something beginning to approach parity in the near future.
Still not as cheap as upgrading a PS5, but at least the monopoly is finally over. Hopefully we’ll see something beginning to approach parity in the near future.
Oh yeah, I get it. I’m guilty of the same naivete when I want to believe hard enough.
Good god. What pathetic little monsters.
That sucks. Unfortunately, you should only ever buy something because it does what you want already. Promises can sometimes lead to nice treats, but businesses can’t be trusted, even when they fully intend to make good.
I would rather this have been $100 more and have eye tracking for foveated rendering. At least this makes it easier to skip giving FB my money for this gen of VR
I mean, I hear you, but this is like saying that Mario Kart is a bad Mario game. Perhaps I’m misremembering, but I never felt like things were shoehorned, or poorly done, and the game itself was very fun. Perhaps we’re disagreeing about marketing strategies, where people bought it based on the name and expected…
I will fight you on Nuts and Bolts. That game was rad AF.
This just in, LoL is toxic from top to bottom. Here is another example of the top part. Who is surprised?
It’s worth pointing out that in this scenario, the copyright holder can sue the fanart creator, because this is a violation of copyright law. It’s also worth noting that while most of the time, IP holders don’t crack down on people selling fanart, they DO crack down things like people selling fanfiction. Any examples…
They’re referring to works that are unavailable for sale, which emulators make accessible. For instance, Nintendo will no longer sell you a new copy of Windwaker, having disabled the wiiu eshop. Thus, Nintendo is burying their work, rather than selling it.
Game looks cool, we’ll see if it is any good (it should be, but the extraction shooter genre, while it has legs, is LITTERED with the failed attempts from plenty of good devs), but man I’m so sick of Sony and MS buying up devs to make exclusive stuff.
Was this written by ChatGPT 1.2? It doesn’t seem to have basic language comprehension locked down yet.
I hate how overly confident this might sound, but I’m not concerned about my job literally at all. The difficulty is less about convincing people about the value of education (which is essentially always under attack due to the absolute nonsense of republicans), but about how we continue to help students grow when an…
These are parts of a lot of the discussions we’re having about how our goals might change because of this technology, or how our tools of measuring them change, and where this is useful for students and where it gets in the way, etc. It’s a big pain in the ass, but so is dealing with all kinds of cheating, dishonesty,…
First, you seem to be under the assumption that I’m defending the prof. I’m not. He was wrong. I’m explaining that smart people are often only smart in their areas of expertise. This was EXTREMELY clear throughout, please work on reading comprehension.
Seriously, trying to figure out paths forward that don’t just screw over a segment of the classroom is the worst part.
LOL, you think students are able to express complex, well-researched, in-depth thought orally? Some students do great with this, but most absolutely choke and struggle to have the nuance of a buzzfeed listicle. This isn’t a flaw in their intelligence, but rather, it is REALLY hard to remember a number of differing…
I absolutely hear you, and you’re not wrong, but it’s worth remembering that Ben Carson, a world-renowned neurosurgeon, who was the director of Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgery, who wrote numerous well-regarded peer reviewed articles, etc. ALSO believed that the pyramids were built to hold grain.
The last sentence of this article is absolutely, hilariously wrong: “But hopefully, through examples such as this, we’ll come to realize AI’s ineptitude.”
Here is the problem with this assumption though: very smart people are INCREDIBLY smart, but that intelligence is extremely localized. This comic is about something different, but does a decent job of illustrating the concept: When things are outside your area…