
Go ahead and waste your 3 power Shang Chi on my 10 power indestructible wolverine. There is a reason that card is the most losingest

Oh good lord, get out of here with your disingenuous, bad faith arguments. The point is, and has always been, that there are not very many games available for PSVR2. While 50 games sounds like a high number if you’re an idiot who isn’t paying attention, I’ve played the interesting ones years ago, and the remaining

Almost all of those games are years old. It’s nice that they’re getting some support, but 1) they’re almost all old and 2) even then, out of the HUNDREDS of PSVR games, and thousands of PCVR games, there are only 50. So it isn’t really enough to sustain most people, even IF they want to go into the backlog.

Good. Because here is the thing: I would buy this Day 1 if they committed to supporting PC. I have a PS5, I like it, but I don’t foresee using the VR headset on that enough to justify the cost, but an foveated rendering, eye-tracking lightweight, high-res headset that I could also plug in for PCVR? Easy purchase at

Fleabag is amazing, but more relevantly, she is the creator and lead writer for Killing Eve, and also has writing credits on No Time to Die. In other words, interesting people being badasses is something she can do, as well as emotional complexity.

You just watched a pitch. It isn’t a game, it is a pitch, and that pitch, while it describes some gameplay, is almost entirely the story. They sat down and cocreated the story together, as well as the ideas of gameplay. If a director and a cinematographer sat down for some time, and put together a list of storyboards

Now playing

Except that Straley and Druckman both created the story together (the video I posted is an early pitch, that has a lot of it, though obviously tons of things changed). While Druckman had the larger role in writing, the two co-directors both overlapped and worked on all the bits, so this is very specifically a snub

While the speakers vibrating is a problem with equipment, I can almost assure you that he meant for it to come in that loud. I watched it at home and it is nearly deafening, but in a way that felt accurate to the film.

Three notes:

It’s always a good time to remind people of this. “Just joking.”

Yeah, even then, it was only that some of them are monstrous damage sponges. I found that aside from noonwraiths, I really only ever planned for the big bosses, and mostly it was finding a way to increase damage rate.

Come to think of it, you’re right, I don’t think you can parry werewolves (you can parry monsters though, for sure. Endregas I was just parrying), but just a dodge out of the way. I think it was a few quick slashes, a roll to the side, slashes, roll, etc.

Huh. I’ve never really used any real strats on werewolves. They’re a little spongier, I guess from healing, but so easy to parry and just spam away with light attacks that I never even used oils on them, much less bombs. I’ll just pop a shield every once in a while when I mess up timing.

Yes, that's entirely my point.

I recommend trying to read things in good faith, as it will dramatically increase your reading comprehension.

It is ridiculously naive, but not less so your claim that it doesn’t matter. It isn’t like somewhere, abstractly, up the line there is a bad actor here: JK Rowling is a prominent part and directly benefits. Much more so than most scenarios, and she has used her influence to continue to hurt trans people. It also isn’t

I think it’s just some bad optimization. It’s possible that the extra speed of the 5900 is helping you, but it shouldn’t do the stuttering, same with the GPU. You have a better system, but that should just allow for a higher FPS. I’m air cooled, but with the dark rock pro, so my temps stay under 70, gpu stays under

I mean, if a 3700x is the bottleneck at 1440p, something has gone spectacularly wrong. 

Constant stuttering on 3080, 3700x, 32GB 3600 RAM at 1440p ultra settings, no ray tracing. 80-100fps, but the stuttering is a nightmare