
None of this adds up. This is a hack piece put together for a few bucks by slapping together random different pieces of “information” anyone could google. On top of that, the sources are weird nonsense. Consulting.com’s piece, as you have pointed out, doesn’t add up. At all. It’s just accepted here.

Yes. Hipster idiocy. Not personally being excited by one thing is fine. Taste is personal, and no one needs to be thrilled by everything other people like. Not understanding some really basic things that people are interested in (and talking about) is deciding to choose to ignore what is right in front of you.

Hi, you don’t seem very well-versed in reading. Let me direct your attention to both the opening and closing. One doesn’t need to feel the hype in order to have a basic understanding of why others might feel one way. I don’t like white chocolate, as it is too sweet for me, but I understand that many people like very

I mean, it’s got a cool premise, but right now, the story isn’t really known...which is part of the draw. It’s a game where you make and discover the story. The premise is awesome, the world seems great, and we’ve seen a lot, but not the whole thing.

Nope. I’m just real fun at parties.

While you don’t need to FEEL the hype, it’s absurd to make a claim that you don’t get it. Let’s look at a few of the things.

This is fair. But also? I LOVE this. I like that I got to poke around in the game for 50 hours (oh, Jesus, I have a problem) and I don’t have to worry about wanting to try and carry those characters forward. I’m forced to start from scratch. Excellent.

I’ve always either traded them in for the new console, or ended up giving them to friends. Most old games feel...well, old. Very few classics feel like real classics in the way that great literature is timeless, they feel like flintlock guns: important to understand historically and lovely in their own way, but of

Without sounding in any way critical or dismissive, I have literally never touched the share button except on accident. It is, simply, a mindset that is completely alien to the way I experience and love games. I’m super happy that people like it though.

Nice, thanks!

Nice, thanks!

I mean, I hear you, but also? I don’t want to play a forever endgame. If this was $27 for the PC version, I would grab it in a heartbeat. Less than thirty bucks to play a fun, ten to fifteen hour smashemup? Cool.

I mean, I hear you, but also? I don’t want to play a forever endgame. If this was $27 for the PC version, I would

The Witcher 3 was absolutely one of the best games. The combat isn’t the point, but it’s fun and makes sense. It looks great, and it plays well. Much more importantly, it told a large and sprawling epic story in a way that felt personal and well-developed. The world was rich in lore and things to do, but the

What on earth are you talking about? They’re nearly the same machine. The biggest difference being CPU boost clocks and GPU speed vs compute units.

Ad blockers back on. Seriously, advertising for scalpers, huh? That’s some pretty shitty stuff there. I’d rather the people who shill for that get zero money, thanks.

Ad blockers back on. Seriously, advertising for scalpers, huh? That’s some pretty shitty stuff there. I’d rather the

How? Epic pushed back and, as a result, Apple is already cutting their take (in this limited area). This seems to validate their actions.

Is wargames even in the movie? I used Wargames because there are actual lines of dialog from the film in the book. And “here is a thing,” in this context IS transformative. That’s what I keep on saying—by removing it from its original context (a film, a book, a TV show, a song), and using it (only, it should be noted,

You misunderstand: I mean that the context of Wargames in RPO is radically different than Wargames as a film. As it is using it as a piece of nostalgia that a person is examining/playing/discussing, that is a different context than, for instance, a screening of the film. I don’t mean that it’s meaningful (it’s not) or

A note: the more popular something is, the more likely there will be lawsuits around it (you know, because there is more money to be had).

No, my position is that the people who are subscribed are not seeing ads. And that the people who are buying bits are already subscribed to the channels they’re donating those bits to. AND, most importantly, the VAST majority of viewers are neither subscribed to the channel they’re watching, nor are they buying bits,