How is it false? Streaming video costs money. Showing ads earns money. If you’re streaming video, but not showing any ads, you don’t get any money, and you lose it.
How is it false? Streaming video costs money. Showing ads earns money. If you’re streaming video, but not showing any ads, you don’t get any money, and you lose it.
You’re making a bunch of assumptions which don’t hold up. Because one thing (a song) is entertainment, anything else that could be, in any way, considered entertainment (a stream that is 6 hours long and uses a 5 second clip that happens to have, as part of it, an altered small section of a song) is no longer…
Oh please. That’s like saying that Ready Player One should be banned because Cline referenced scenes in Wargames. Hint: it should not (it should, however, never be read, as it is brainless, worthless drivel).
They are blaming ad-blockers for a complete inability to monetize the streams, and hurting people that are blocking them because they want/need to make money in order to sustain their model. I’m not sure what you’re complaint is. Is it that you’re pissy that they’ve made it less convenient to circumvent their entire…
“Well, yes, and?”
I never said you had to. They asked if it was on sale, and I told them that it was. Calm yoself.
I never said you had to. They asked if it was on sale, and I told them that it was. Calm yoself.
I imagine it wouldn’t be terribly a lot. That being said, though, I imagine that many of the people that do would be game streamers, as a TON of them seem to be using 1440p monitors (which are better looking than 1080p, but allow for high fps in competitive games).
Well, by building in a new engine, I
We’ll see how much they tweak the combat, in terms of how powers work, etc., but as they’re going to be using a new engine for these games (there is essentially no way to update the old engine, and it’ll have to be scrapped for UE4 or whatever), I imagine that the movement and gunplay will essentially be the same for…
COVID-19 and CP2077 claim another victim.
Pretty much that. Holy hell do I hate this. I LOVE audio in these kinds of games, but there is a zero percent change I’m going to sit in a menu to listen to it.
Talk radio is Right Wing nutjobs spouting off about nonsense. Podcasts are This American Life, but with a pause button. Easy mistake. ;-)
the 65" is currently on sale. MSRP is $2500, normally sells for around $2200, is currently $1850 on Amazon and Best Buy (and I imagine others)
the 65" is currently on sale. MSRP is $2500, normally sells for around $2200, is currently $1850 on Amazon and Best…
Oh thank GOD you’re here. Was no one going to defend this mediocre re-use of Larian’s joke from two weeks ago? I’m so glad you have come to the defense of all humor!
The original title of this article was: People should feel ashamed for not having the same sexual desires as me.
My point was they hadn’t read the crux of the article. The fact is they hadn’t read the crux of the article. I’m sorry your sense of honor was injured due to my using a joke to point this out.
I’m curious where those headlines have been, but it’s typically true. Gold just means they have the file they’re putting on disk. Traditionally, the gold disk was the master disk used to make all the copies (I don’t know if it is still gold). No changes can be made to that code, as it is what is used for production.…
1) That explanation WAS included in the original post. It turns out that OP can’t read tweets apparently, which is why they missed it (they replied to themselves later). In which case, they couldn’t see the words; if OP is upset I was snarky about not reading the thing they didn’t see/read, they’ll get over it.
His argument was: “So going gold meant nothing then?” It is a wrong and ignorant argument. He later replied that he couldn’t see the tweet.
The tweet from the developer was what I was talking about. It was posted with a tweet from the developer that laid all of this out. The commenter didn’t bother to read the words in the embedded tweet. Now kotaku has copied out the words. The words were there the entire time.