

MC and RT have completely different scales. MC turns all reviews into a score, from 1-10 (ie: a 7/10 is a 70, a 3.5/5 is a 70, etc—they also convert all letters to scores, so that a B is 75 and a B- is 67). It is a completely bananas idea. A game with a C is a 50! They then mush it up and give the score.

You really keep missing the point. It is so ugly that I literally will not buy it. This is not me creating a problem, but identifying it. They have made it such an aggressively juvenile piece of gear that I have no desire to purchase it, and will wait for the inevitable refresh. I don’t need to pretend or invent a

Look, everything about everything with video games are non-problems. They are completely optional. This being said, you would expect that a company hoping to sell their $500 optional device would consider that not everyone is a teenager (or has the aesthetic tastes of a teenager) and that they will make purchasing

I am complaining that something designed to sit in the open on the entertainment center is an eyesore. I don’t feel like arranging my entertainment center in such a way that when people come over for professional reasons I have to go hide a massive eyesore. This is not me inventing problems. It is an annoyance, it’s

If you think that people in professional situations aren’t judging your decor, I’m afraid I have bad news for you. There are real professional repercussions from shit like that. And I have seen people lose grants for the pettiest of reasons. 

I’m not sure if you’re aware of why the new consoles are so big, but it is because they create a LOT of heat. Putting them into an enclosed space is a VERY bad idea. I am not buying an expensive piece of furniture that will either have to be wide open most of the time, or else will cause the ugly ps5 I need to hide to

Not friends, but professional acquaintances (I am in academia, in the arts). People who, I agree, often aren’t that much fun to be around, but who I do have in my home, and who do have a say in financial and career aspects around my life.

As a late-30s adult, some of the people that come over to my house are friends (to one degree or another). We might talk about games or not. Cool. Fine. Some of the people that are coming over to my house are colleagues. Again, whatever. Some of the people in my house, however, are people we are trying to solicit for

Yeah, I could have been more specific. I should have said: Now I just hope that they release a ps5 update by then that looks like it belongs in an entertainment center, and not something out of a 90's Mountain Dew commercial.

Yes. I loved the original so much. The only thing that would have made this better would have been if it were on a really pretty next gen console, so I could really ogle me sweet Pokemon shots.

Awesome. Now I just hope that they release a ps5 update by then that looks like a piece of consumer electronics, and not something out of a 90's Mountain Dew commercial

So having read a few reviews, I’m going to be very curious to see how this shakes out. Without saying that this will be a Cormac McCarthy level of greatness (it won’t), the smattering of reviews I have seen seem to be like what you would get when handing a bunch of Sophomore college students a copy of Blood Meridian

I don’t know why they want their $500+ consumer electronic to look like a toy that a fifteen year old in 1995 would think is “totally rad.”

While the move responsive combat is interesting, most of these mods are just making the female characters more blandly attractive. Peebee is a punk, we make her sexier. Let’s get your main character into more revealing outfits. With TATS. Let’s make the gang leader a hot young model instead of a grizzled veteran. Bleh.

fair enough. 

I mean, the thing about “Mod Support” is that some games on Steam have this and some don’t, and, like mods the entire history of mods, it’s something that you just do on the side. The retailer having it is nice I guess? But I have never even used it. Steam supports mods for Skyrim? Okay, but I already use NMM. I’m

People are just whining to be little whiners.

Not really. I don’t find having launchers to be that big a deal. I picked up Borderlands 3 because that was a series I had played with friends, so we kept that going, and then I bought Control. And god, Control was so freaking worth it. What an amazing game!
