
That’s a thing that you need to call them about, get as high as you can, and consistently, and repeatedly ask them what they are going to do about it. If they say that they can’t do anything, remind them of your history of getting, and paying a mortgage, remind them that you are still able to purchase things, and you

1) It’s a repeat from 2012

Read the section you bolded again. Here, I’ll say it again: both players aware of where the other is. Both.

I would say that making the first move is often the right decision, if not the majority of the time. 3rd person peaking as somehow all encompassing is hilarious.

TPP isn’t really a camping game in any way, despite your assertion that the meta is entirely to camp. TPP is much about third person peaking as FPP is about camping at the end of a long hallway and leaning out a door. TPP simply has greater situational awareness built in, but it has this for everyone. FPP removes a

That’s fair. It’s also the reason I prefer tpp. More information makes a more strategic game

Well, I can happily tell you that it’s only buggy, laggy, and containing a handful of aim bots.

Well, I can happily tell you that it’s only buggy, laggy, and containing a handful of aim bots.

Oh god. Your logic is so fucking terrible.

Those with bigger hands, or who like the wider grip. It’s not going to be a huge market, but there is a market there.

I liked it a lot. That being said, it’s still bloated and annoying.

Look, I’m happy for you and all, but I have my shit together, and it would take me a few hours to figure out my expenses to income ratio, at best. And I haven’t ever done it, because why the fuck would I? I can run a quick formula, knowing more or less what I have saved, and what I make, and figure out that I’m set at

Calipers are freakishly easy to acquire and use. Even a not-great (anything better than terrible) use of calipers will give a pretty solidly precise measurement of bodyfat. They’re WAY easier, for instance, than actually adding up all expenses. Plus, you not only have to figure out the ratio, but then, use that ratio,

the article is entirely about retirement savings (401k, 403b, IRA, etc.), not cash on hand, which is really “just” for emergency expenditures and buying expensive things.

It shouldn’t matter all that much. You only pay taxes on the 401k as you withdraw it, so you won’t suddenly be in the highest tax bracket—you’ll be paying similarly to what you are now. Obviously, if it’s a huge worry, due to the amount of money it will be, it could be useful to sit down with a tax consultant to see

If you’ve recently doubled your income, DEFINITELY use these rule of thumbs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It’s not the end of the world, but if you take advantage of having lived at a lower lifestyle (being used to that) and you split the difference between how you were living before and how you could be living now—and stick

Outliers are outliers. Most people tend to live according to their means, more or less. These estimates mean that you will be able to continue living a life comparable to the life you are living at these moments. You’re trying to keep yourself on track for sustaining yourself. Saving more means you’re more secure /

It’s ALWAYS your current salary. So if you’re 30, and make 50k, you should have at least 50k for retirement. If you’re 40 and making 70k, you should have 210k saved up, etc. If you resolve to live below your means, then live below your means RIGHT NOW and save up the money that you need to be at. What’s that? It’s

Two thoughts.

I’ll get the network lag problem periodically (on a great internet connection), and rubberbanding a LOT in the earlier parts of the game. The shooting WAY BEHIND YOU killing you is something that’s always been their if I spectate while playing with friends, it’s always pretty funny watching them shoot a dozen feet

Well, smaller ships going to lightspeed in Rogue One just crashed into the side of the star destroyers that warped in right in front of them, blowing up and causing essentially no damage, so within the newer movies continuity, only things of a certain mass can even do any damage. I’m also led to believe, from Hux’s