
Except he discovers the plan and still can’t wrap his head around it (it isn’t like there is a huge secret behind it, they’re just counting on the first order to not pay attention, and that’s what happens. That they are going to an uncharted base doesn’t really change the dynamic of the plan (and it turns out the

That doesn’t work though, because they jump to nowhere, and will figure out where to go next afterwards. It’s a great shot though. I’m betting anything it’s a physical tracker, the advance being that they can follow through lightspeed, rather than waiting. It is clean, simple, and practical, and means that while the

You’re making the mistake of thinking that movie time = running length. Do you really think that the ship is only firing one shot every two minutes? Or do you think that it is firing a shot every few seconds, and the movie cuts back and forth with other things for dramatic effect? Hint, only the latter makes sense. In

A commander is still not a particularly high ranking officer. Yeah, he would have been in charge the other fighters/bombers. His demotion, however, well-earned, would have precluded him from any of that. And someone being demoted in a small resistance isn’t some small thing, it means that he is not trusted to act on

I have no idea if that’s the explanation being given, but it’s stupid. There is no way that a computation could know exactly when someone drops out of lightspeed.

They had a plan, he just didn’t like it.

A commander is not a particularly high ranking officer, and he was demoted for his inability to follow orders for the larger play—so it makes absolute sense to keep him in the dark. He straight up wants a more active plan, and as soon as he accidentally sees another, passive plan, he doesn’t even think about how it

Oh get the hell out of here. Someone a good number of rungs down the ladder does not need to know, nor deserve, to hear the explanations for all plans. His job was to sit tight and wait. When the time came and the plan was fully formulated, his job would be to board the escape vessels. Some fucking pilot does not need

Please explain to in WHICH military you have experience with, the scenario where a general explains to a Captain (recently demoted for his foolish, thoughtless behavior) the logic behind their plans (that they happened to see when they burst in to lecture the General regarding something else they’re totally wrong

Yeah. And I literally rolled my eyes at the failure speech that’s given. Yes, I thought, we fucking get it. Apparently only a handful of people got it. I apologize to the filmmakers and writers for that eye roll. Apparently what I thought was heavy handed whizzed by the heads of most folk, because they were too

Yeah, it definitely auto-records. I have the kinect, so I use the “record that” command (auto records last 30 seconds, I think, on default, but you can go to upload studio, or something like that, to adjust settings). Not sure what the controller commands are for it.

I’m afraid you’ve 100% missed the point. First off, an amputee reads as a human with metal arms, not as not-human. It isn’t arms that do it. Secondly, a toy, or an animal, that is very obviously not a human (note the very specific difference of not a human to not-human), can also read as human based on its

If the audience is too distracted by the cgi girl not looking human enough, they won’t understand the theme of the cyborg girl not looking human enough? I mean, even if they don’t intellectually understand, because they’re morons, they would literally, viscerally, understand the theme by performing it within

I mean, this is pretty much the whole point. One of the major themes is if she can ever be considered human, and she reads, immediately, as not-human, in a society that thinks poorly of her. By having her look very human, but off, it’s a perfect exemplar of this struggle within the audience.

Oh, fuck off. The manga takes place in fucking Colorado, with a mostly white cast. Whitewashed my ass. Either you’ve never read it, and are talking out of your ass, or you didn’t pay attention, and are talking out of your ass.

It’s actually pretty simple, there are, essentially two testing standards. One, that everyone receive testing every 14 days in order to be allowed to perform, or, two, that everyone uses condoms in every scene. While there is more bareback gay porn out there, with the shift being to constant testing, the gay porn

I’m not sure how anyone could have so paltry a reading comprehension to keep missing that the criticism is in what she said/did (an inaccurate statement based on homophobia), not in her choice of sexual partners.

I mean, you’re free to do what you want, but I would simply adjust my email settings instead of boycotting, because, you know, it’s easy to do, and a reasonable response to getting emails you probably don’t even remember signing up for.

I mean, you’re free to do what you want, but I would simply adjust my email settings instead of boycotting, because,

I think your points best personify why this is a problem with homophobia. Yeah, the faked test was a huge scare (it was also a straight performer). Yes, what the actors do on their personal time is a scare (but this also applies to straight performers). Yeah, testing can fail to catch things like HIV, due to the time

Here is the thing: to perform with Ames, he undergoes the same testing she undergoes. While OTHER gay actors he may have performed with may or may not have undergone that same testing (due to different requirements), he would be required to in order to perform. You seem to keep missing this. He would have been tested,