
Ugh, really? The combat was the best, the puzzles were less good than in 2 or 3, and the writing was FAR better than 1 or 3 (not sure if it was as good as 2, though). I mean, the gameplay itself was more of the same, which grows tiresome, but it was as good as it’s ever been, and I really, really loved the small

You’re fundamentally misunderstanding what I have been saying. At no point have I said they should pay Burch more money. I have said repeatedly that Square should come to an agreement with the Union, like dozens of other companies have (because, again, the union is only striking against companies that haven’t come to

Square has been dragging their ass for literally years on this. The strike is only against companies that haven’t reached agreements with the union, so I’m definitely holding it against them. Dozens of companies have reached agreements, and Square is one of the holdouts and hired a scab to replace the lead of this

Is this how someone feels they’re coming off as smart? By pointing out pretty simplistic things and saying, hey, that’s simplistic? This isn’t rocket science. Also, what’s out of the box about an angry protagonist killing random people? It’s pretty by-the-numbers videogame aggression. There’s nothing wrong with it,

But that’s exactly what they did. Instead of having better contracts, or delaying the game, they said “hey, let’s replace Ash” and brought in a scab, instead of the union actress.

Like I said, it’s juvenile garbage. You’re free to laugh, and there’s nothing wrong with that, I too enjoy juvenile humor from time to time, but a blandly angry dude (hah, he’s so angry he kills innocent people! CHARACTER MOMENT!) isn’t interesting. Peppering dark humor into the action is great, but there are

Burch is getting paid for the work she is doing. I would have to pay the company money. Me refusing to buy the game because of the strike-breaking tactics doesn’t hurt me—Burch refusing a writing gig because of the strike-breaking tactics would have hurt her. You can see the difference, right? Being a freelancer is

I wouldn’t ask Burch to compromise, I would ask Square Enix to do so. While the strike is still happening, it isn’t across the board, only targeting a relatively small number of companies, so it wasn’t like finding a compromise was impossible. So in order to get Burch back, literally all they had to do was come to a

Oops, apologies to Dontnod, I didn’t realize they weren’t the developers of this. They are unfucked.

I don’t understand what you’re saying. If they didn’t use Burch because of the strike, then they DID bring in the other actress because of the strike (to get around it). Apologies to Dontnod, I didn’t realize they weren’t the developers of this. They are unfucked.

Oh get off. The boring cutscenes of Kratos being angry, or Kratos banging a half naked low-poly woman were not what made the game great. It was great because of the awesome combat. I really enjoyed the hell out of the games, but it tended to go like this:

Really? It’s a game told in the 3rd person, where every interaction is told in little cut-scenes, and you see everyone interact. Wouldn’t you rather watch two people interact when they’re both interesting? Max had cool powers, but was otherwise the most bland, uninteresting person I’ve run across.

I was nervous about this until I realized it’s only 3 episodes, and then glad it didn’t seem like it would be too stretched out. Okay, I thought, I’ll pre-order the heck out of that. Then I found out they brought in a new voice actress, when Burch had really made the character, and was significantly less interested.

They don’t want to fracture their base. If people on the “same” consoles have different frame rates, that will mess things up a bit. Both the Pro and the X could handle 60fps, but neither of the base models could really do that.

I stand corrected. Two jokes. I stand by the dialog feeling generic though

It’s gorgeous, though I’m a bit worried by the sheer amount of QTE gameplay here. The Arkham combat looks good, but man, the writing is just so flat. One joke? About catching a flight? That’s it? I like my spidey to be mouthy and sarcastic. This was just lame. Here’s hoping it’s better in the actual game.

What the hell games are CPU limited?

God I hope they have the same writers. The New Order was one of the best games, and had such a wonderfully told story.

It feels like an expansion pack. I like that, honestly. Sometimes there are small little stories that are worth telling, but aren’t a “full” experience.

My recollection was that it was also good, but felt like more of the same.