
At least it’s only three episodes. I was wondering how they were going to sustain a full campaign without the main gameplay gimmick of the first one.

Ugh. Man. I forgot about that. My old PC (gtx780) doesn’t want a benchmark game...Maybe this time it will run surprisingly well?

I couldn’t care less about this game being on a console, but I’m just so happy it’s coming out. The Metro games are very good.

Eh, naming it the Xbone One was stupid. Adding an X to that, especially as it’s “just” an xbox one, with more power (unlike the Wii U, which was a completely different system) doesn’t make it worse.

Games take a lot of time to make. I imagine we’ll see more later this year.

It is not owned by EA, so yes, they are independent. Likewise Braid was published by Microsoft Game Studios, even though it was developed almost entirely by Jonathan Blow, by himself, bringing on an artist and musician, and paying for it himself.

While ME2 was better than the original in a number of ways, it significantly changed a lot of things. I don’t want that for HZD. I just want more of what they already gave us.

Probably vomit.

Your “reason” why is actually complete garbage. If you sit perfectly still all day long, you burn calories. These calories go towards staying alive. Your body generates heat, your blood pumps, you breath, you perspire, etc., etc. All of this requires caloric expenditure. This is why your fitbit (or any other

I’ve literally never seen anyone use begging the question correctly, outside of textbook definitions. At this point, it no longer means circular reasoning, and it just means that we are forced to raise the question.

It’s a cute game and a neat premise, except that if the light turns red and you’re in the intersection (and it goes from green to red, with no warning), you’re instantaneously boned. That’s not because of not paying attention, it’s because of a game mechanic designed to make you die at semi-random.

Not really. This has, what, an hour of dialog? Versus a few hundred hours of dialog? You can spend more time per scene when you only have a few scenes, especially when their are fewer characters in the scene, and it is partitioned off from the rest of the game (being non-interactive, with tweaked lighting and tightly

Ugh, I do this literally every time I write his name. So annoying.

Ugh, I do this literally every time I write his name. So annoying.

The Humble Book Bundle is pretty frickin’ fabulous as well. You should check it out. Kelly Link, Isaac Asimov, Octavia Butler, Neil Gaimen, Jane Yolen, etc., etc., etc.

The Humble Book Bundle is pretty frickin’ fabulous as well. You should check it out. Kelly Link, Isaac Asimov,

I never bought the Zaeed DLC. It could be he’s better. It isn’t a high bar.

I can’t stand Liam (he’s such a conceited idiot), but he’s definitely more interesting than the Blandy McYawnfaces of Kaiden and Jacob.

Of course, not everyone is going to do that. A lot of people are, though. And the rest of us? Like in my example? We don’t buy the game in the first week. And then, since it’s already been a week, and sales are terrible from the waiting, or the skipping, just wait a few more weeks until the summer steam sale, where

This. Is. The. Point.

Well, you should read the article. The review sites need to rush their reviews, so that they can make money (because without money, they cease to exist), meaning that their reviews tend to be rushed, and worse, as well as being late, which means that more people tend to either wait significantly (like me: I was VERY

Not even close. The market forces people to blaze through it so that they can get the advertising dollars that come with clicks. Lots of people will read a few reviews, but many don’t, and so the first review has a HUGE financial incentive. Further, many of those that read multiple reviews will skip reviews that come