
I would definitely agree that something like hearthstone, etc, is much more like chess. That being said, are esports sports? I know they include the word sport as part of the name, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that they are all sport, though many of them I would argue definitely are.

Your argument is only half-right. One thing that is, actually, pretty necessary for esports is reflexes, which are physically dependant, and also tends to limit esports players by age, as their bodies lose the ability to compete at the highest levels. Something like chess rewards older players, as loss of physical

The Memphis Group was a postmodern Italian group (inspired by a bob dylan song with Memphis in the title), so there is very little reason you (or most anyone) would have heard of it. Also, it’s fucking terrible.

The Memphis Group was a postmodern Italian group (inspired by a bob dylan song with Memphis in the title), so there

So long as you are consuming protein, you’re good to go. Most people don’t need to change their diet at all unless they get serious, and those that do simply need to add a protein shake to their diet.

You’re taking the adage that abs are made in the kitchen far too seriously. Abs are made in the kitchen because people tend to have a layer of fat over them, and a strict diet is required for those people to get the abs to show.

Yeah. I almost threw my controller across the room when they forced this “moral choice” on me.

No idea it this set includes it, but Disney has mostly moved to including digital versions of blurays

No idea it this set includes it, but Disney has mostly moved to including digital versions of blurays

Luckily I couldn’t care less about Mario Kart 8.02. Not that this really lightens my load all that much...

Yeah, it’s a shame. I really enjoyed the Nier demo, but in between H:ZD, Zelda, and ME:A, all coming out before, I won’t get to it until the summer.

Seriously. He’s in great shape, but they got a little...uh...aggressive with the shading.

First: Both are being done. The science has been used to suggest changes, and implement solutions.

That’s not how that works at all. Coming up with better models allows for more accurate predictions and solutions. Arguing over the details is how you refine the work. Also, a great deal of this work ALSO puts forward (or directly feeds) solutions.

Honestly, at this point I have no idea why companies aren’t putting a high res camera on their voice actors while they read for motion capture mapping. Software has gotten fantastic, even without facial markers, and could do so much more for these games as a kind of baseline instead of the motionless face with

Yeah, Thunderjaws and Ravagers are the easiest to kill when you pull off their weapons. My favorite moment at the end was tearing off the canon of a ravager, managing to hide and hijack it, and then when it distracted the OTHER ravager and glinthawks, just fucking unload on everything with the canon.

Or you can just turn one or two of the settings from ultra to high. All of these tests are with EVERYTHING at ultra.

Amen to wandering! The thunderjaw is surprisingly easy if you use its weapons against it. Now, the freaking stormbird (or whatever) is a monster.

One up from normal (don’t remember what it’s called).

Horizon Zero Dawn has it’s hooks very firmly in me. I’ve killed every predator in the game, and just took out some Behemoths (btw: 2 at once used every single fully upgraded blast wire, plus all my blast traps, and only took one to 1/4 health and one to 1/3 health. They’re freaking TOUGH).

Yeah. It was really annoying. I guess first playthrough is with the dude, then. Here’s hoping he sounds better. It’s just a little frustrating that the female protagonist sounds like a whacky sidekick.

That is some bizarre reading. None of these put the onus on him, but rather, on her, and she had internalized various aspect. IE: only feeling worthy if people want to bang you is a problem of her own low self-esteem, valuing herself only as an object (which IS a problem with our society, though that in no way reduces