
Is that true? I don’t know. I imagine that most people feel terrible and stop. I could be wrong.

Very true. The reason I’m with her is that she took responsibility. She gave reasons that drove her, but never blamed anyone else, and tried to claim all blame from the friend.

Get out. The vast majority of people self-report that they have cheated (70-80%), and I would say that most of them are trustworthy, if flawed, humans (and some of them, obviously, are untrustworthy). You have a child’s view of things, where a single (and prevelant) mistake defines a person, rather than shaping the

But she did, talking about how she was afraid that she would cheat if she lost weight, and then realizing that wasn’t true for her. I mean, she doesn’t list out how she has changed herself as a person with a list, but that’s a definite change, and her accepting her accountabilities in the past

This doesn’t strike me as rationalizing it, as in, showing why it’s okay, but rather in trying to understand why she would do something like that. Things don’t happen in a vacuum for no reason, and understanding why she would do something like that is a necessary step if you want to stop that kind of behavior

Sunset overdrive is great, but one can own more than a single console :-D

It really is a life-destroyer. I honestly prefer it to the Souls games now.

didn’t know that. awesome

I love when glowing reviews come out on Monday. That means there is still time to “preorder” from Amazon for that $13 discount they have on new games.

I love my XB1, but the one game? Not Bloodborne or Uncharted 4 or Nioh, or The Last Guardian, etc.?

That’s cool, but why the heck is the stained glass mounted on wood instead of made to catch light?

That’s really disappointing. Mankind Divided was a really solid game that suffered from some bad ideas (Augs as Black bodies), and a rushed/unsatisfying ending, but which was also interesting and well-thought-out. A sequel leveraging the newer tech of this game, and completing the story they needed to tell would have

It is.

Oh, man, do I envy you then! I so desperately wish I had the time to play through the games again before Andromeda.

A fair point. I agree with the drill sergeant bit, which is actually why I didn’t like it. It just felt more one-note to me, not having the nuance or Hale’s performance, who could be nasty, but also tender. Meer just seemed to plow through as an always-on soldier. Each to their own.

It really is. Her performance is leaps and bounds the better one, and really cements the character.

That only works if that response in since way fits what the creator wants. If it isn’t, then the creator can/edit to make it how they want it to be.

This misses the point in EXACTLY the way that they’re trying to avoid. The Red Cross is NOT about “medicine.” While they certainly provide medical aid, they provide food, supplies, deliver mail, etc., and the biggest part is that they are non-partisan, non-combatants. For instance, it is a war crime to shoot a person

The writing in both the new tomb raider games was awful, but rise was beautiful, and wonderful to play, with good combat and really fun puzzles. I would say it was a better game than uncharted 4—tough uncharted has way better story/writing

Nice. Rise of the Tomb Raider was such an incredible game.