
Holding is illegal. That the entire line was holding, intentionally, with the specific rational that the illegal blocking going on would still allow for the clock to wind down, seems like pretty much the reason this rule was created, no? Or is there a definition of illegal that is being used here other than moves that

Yeah, there is no black xb1 s. There is a 500gb grey version (the 500gb GoW bundle), and a 1tb very-dark-green bf1 bundle, but they’re defaulting for white. Personally, I think the white with black accents is a much more beautiful piece of equipment, but it does suck they don’t have more options.

Yeah, there is no black xb1 s. There is a 500gb grey version (the 500gb GoW bundle), and a 1tb very-dark-green bf1

While your all-caps hurts my eyes, this is correct. It is a nice, honest look into the development process, and is a well put together documentary to boot.

No, Tacoma isn’t coming out soon. It was pushed back to next year. They’re just very serious about inclusiveness, and are making this free in response to the wave of vitriol and hate that’s going around. They’ve already made most of the money they’re going to make from this game, so they want to do some good now.

Not that kind of joke, no. Because while it is definitely a reference, it’s also just a slain person getting shot to heck and back. It’s there if you recognize it, but it’s not the kind of groan inducing direct-references that are supposed to be hilarious on their own, somehow. This is my kind of meme integration.

1) Perhaps you haven’t paid attention to the way in which Activision has continued to minimize the PC community for their games through crappy, useless changes to things that were already working, as well as putting out (consistently), buggier, worse-running versions of the games.

Look, everyone is all aboard the outrage train, so this is probably worthless, but at no point does the RPS article condemn the game. It points out what the game is doing, and the various problems about such things. It makes a huge disclaimer:

They have similarities, but are also quite different. In Evolve, the hunters try to kill the monster. In F13, for example, you can’t kill Vorhees—only hope to escape. It feels like both of the games took, L4D to a logical extreme (the players vs the hunter), they just went very different directions (and yes, I know

Yeah, it was just the original title for http://f13game.com/ And it is exactly why they got a lawsuit (well, a part of the reason. The other part is that the F13th people defend the heck out of their IP).

Not quite. The Friday the 13th game was announced before Last Year (as Slasher Vol.1 Summer Camp—they later relaunched under the current title with actual licensing), and apparently Dead by Daylight was also in production then (though I didn’t follow that, so I could be wrong). I’m sure there is some ripping off, but

They go to a lot of cons, and are either attending them or working on costumes for them, which makes scheduling a wedding difficult (as it is it’s own bundle of preparations).

Finishing games packed with filler. Oh, you mean I need to talk to this guy to get the mission, completely the mission, go back to the guy, then be told I need walk over to some other guy, walk back to the first guy, and then find another guy, then BACK to the first guy to complete the mission?

It was a very good kids show. Not even in the top 20 shows overall, however.

That is correct. And the views people have about that are their own. And they can make personal, political and business decisions based on their views.

Huh, that’s awesome. You see, before I was torn, but now I can safely say I’m getting a Vive.

Let’s clarify. Hot choco? Not a brewed coffee in any way, shape or form. Frapachino? Not a brewed coffee either, though it may contain some coffee in it (extracted pulverized and treated beans, not brewed, but still containing some coffee). Hence my “actual coffee.” This, in response to his frustration that people

Because building a PC, at best, is a tedious process. Waiting for all your parts to arrive, piecemeal, from the cheapest locations is annoying. Then it is a multiple hour process of putting it together and installing windows. It’s just tiresome.

Now playing

Yup, you’re the epitome of just a little hipster. Look if you want to use a press or a pourover, or boil the coffee straight in a pot, or whatever, go ahead and you do you. Coffee from a press is coffee. Coffee from an espresso machine is coffee (and you won’t get a denser, richer brew than that), coffee from a clover

Get out of here with that hipster bullshit. No matter how you slice it, Starbucks makes actual coffee. And on top of that, they don’t fuck around. They buy from solid farms, and they have a consistent and well-honed roasting process. There is a reason that no other coffee chain has ever been able to really compete

A popular, very sweet drink, is the reason that when you are at starbucks, you buy other popular, very sweet drinks, instead of actual coffee? Said with a condescending holier-than-thou tone?