I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous. You have basically no idea what you’re talking about. Thrown in the towel?
I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous. You have basically no idea what you’re talking about. Thrown in the towel?
I’m not sure what you’re saying here. Yes, a lot of PS4s have been sold. Yes, a lot of 4k TVs have been sold. No, these two circles do not completely (or even mostly) overlap. Yes, the lack of 4k tvs for most ps4 owners will be a challenge for moving ps4 pro units.
While that is a pretty good number of TVs sold, it is actually very few possible gamers. Because a pretty solid chunk of that number is rich, early adopters buying a new TV every year, or buying 2nd and 3rd TVs for their houses. And an even bigger chunk of that is for people that are watching movies on their TVs, or…
Yes. It’s a bit of a pain to pull out certain things, but it’s fully upgradeable.
What? How the hell is spearheading a helmet into another helmet “as safe a hit as it gets”? That is one of the most dangerous hits there are. It’s only in the textbooks of 80's sports movie villains, you raging lunatic.
This biggest problem with this is that the argument is: hey, it has themes! It’s actually good, because of that! I don’t think any real coherent criticism has said that the game DIDN’T have themes, but rather that it was handled poorly. The plot is garbage. A person can make it work, but it doesn’t make any actual,…
This article starts out by saying that you don’t want to be an academic. It’s a shame, because this article would actually become coherent IF you became an academic. You don’t seem to understand what academia is, unfortunately.
I didn’t get my saves corrupted, but because steamsync was on, I hit the cap (1GB cap, which for me was about 90 saves—I know, I know, I save all the damned time. I shouldn’t. I know), and the game would no longer save. At all. Fuuuuck. It would SAY it was saving, but it wouldn’t actually create the file. Lost a few…
Oh my god. Get the fuck out of here. This is a completely and utterly ridiculous argument in all possible ways. The first thing you say is: It’s realistic! Then, in the same argument, you say: it’s fantasy!
She starts with the original announcement, pointing out the same body type of literally all of the females, then goes on to talk about Mei and Zarya as positive characters that were added to the roster by launch, and then about Ana as a further, excellent addition, and an example of a contemporary game studio making…
The gear vr is great, but this is only a deal if you’re not planning on upgrading your phone anytime soon. With google launching its VR platform soon, and Samsung going to USB-C connectors on its own phones, this version of the Gear VR is being completely left in the dust. The new version is both usb-c AND micro usb…
The gear vr is great, but this is only a deal if you’re not planning on upgrading your phone anytime soon. With…
Yes. You are. You just did it. Saying that aren’t trying to do it, while simultaneously doing it, doesn’t actually negate your responsibility.
Are you kidding? Who turned down anything? They are no longer pre-committed to the school. That’s it. They will still go on visits, and will still get scholarships offered (And yes, this includes from Michigan). They are simply taking more time to think about the offer.
No one said that. First.
I honestly didn’t die until about three missions in. I’m not a particularly awesome player, though I’m pretty cautious and choose stealth as the g0-to choice. Playing on hardest (well, you know, the ungrayed out hardest)
That’s pretty much what I was going for, yeah.
Because the only thing different with the “hardest” difficulty is that it’s permadeath (if you die, it wipes your save, and you are literally finished). While it would be fine to just let people select it, many people would select it accidentally (I want the “hardest” without paying attention, and then be pissed they…
You are doing god’s work.
I genuinely don’t understand the hate at all (she’s a grumpy person, but so what?), and just ignored her in my own game, but I was genuinely amused at the giddy glee of that video. Good work on that.
aaaaaand they’re all gone now. Either sold out or wised up.
aaaaaand they’re all gone now. Either sold out or wised up.