There is no advantage or incentive to have both. They sit alongside and complement each other in that the games that come out will run on either. The Neo will be a more premium experience, but won’t replace the PS4 (like the ps4 replaced the ps3).
There is no advantage or incentive to have both. They sit alongside and complement each other in that the games that come out will run on either. The Neo will be a more premium experience, but won’t replace the PS4 (like the ps4 replaced the ps3).
I don’t think the box really matters, to be honest. It only handles reprojection (and if you’re making it PART of the psvr package, why also build that cost into your newer console?). I’m more curious to see how the neo changes the game as far as the ps4 goes.
Well, not just that. It also “doubles”the framerate through reprojection (ie: the ps4 will render a game natively @60fps (and this is what will be displayed on a tv), and the breakout box bumps that to 120fps for the headset. It’s the same native fps, and there isn’t a graphics card in there, but there is hardware in…
By this exact logic: Since you apparently already knew the answer, that it was rhetorical, you weren’t actually asking, but only wanted to make yourself feel inferior by pointing out my own inferiority. Is that how this works?
God I’m so excited to hear this game works. While I’m certainly looking forward to the sim-y first person games in VR, a lot of really great games are played from some sort of 3rd person camera, and I’m glad that one of the first big ones makes it work, and doesn’t feel distracting!
Who honestly feels superior to other people because of a different taste in humor? And while you’re correct about nobody needing to explicitly say it’s funny, etc., it’s a worthwhile question to ask, if only for my curiosity. Sorry you’re so horribly annoyed by it.
Eh, you asked what’s worth looking forward to. They look neat. I am no financial analyst
So, insults, incorrect condescension (satire is pretty much always linked with comedy, though some people attempt to distance them, with one being considered a higher and one being a lower form—comedy the lower), some more insults, a failure to engage in the actual argument (ie: if you don’t necessarily agree with the…
To clarify: yes you find it funny, but it’s also lame and in real life such things are sad? Is that the gist?
Genuine. So far, no one has said they found it funny. There have been a few good digs at network comedy shows though.
Well, it’s definitely a more aware, ironic version of the thing. It still reads as very unfunny to me.
If they actually put the Oculus Rift for the xbox scorpio, then yes, it could make a difference. I’m already thrilled that Sony is releasing their VR headset, but would be even more excited by an xbox/Oculus partnership. Those headsets are better than what the PSVR is, and the ability to move it between console and PC…
Crackdown 3, Below, Cuphead, ReCore, Sea of Thieves.
The aristocracy eating the babies of the poor is a clear example of satire, illustrating how the class system destroys those in poverty for the obscene pleasures of the rich. This is a simple inflation of a trope (sometimes men tend to buy random garbage and are unaware of it, sometimes women must keep such spending…
Why would you say such things to another human being? WHY?
You misunderstand me. I’m not saying it’s not okay to laugh at, I’m curious if anyone actually finds it funny.
That doesn’t sound funny either.
Hence why I asked if people find it funny, and saying that it is bad comedy.
Not that this is necessarily a contradiction, but my favorite part of this is that you run all of your purchases by your wife (who is cool, and doesn’t care), but then tell the other guy to man up. ;-)
I mean. I guess. I just keep waiting to find the person who finds this shit incredible. Maybe I’m just an old man, but it’s one of those jokes that was bad the first time, and which somehow gets worse each retelling.