
You’re a good soul

Well, the point is more: the wife is mean, the husband is an idiot who buys too much garbage and doesn’t think about. It’s obviously a joke, using an exaggerated trope. It’s just not funny.

No shit it isn’t serious. It’s obviously an attempt at a joke. It is a terrible, uninventive, and never-funny joke though. Hence why I asked if anyone else finds it funny. I just think it’s such a lame ass attempt that it fails to rouse even a bemused smile, that I wonder if there is actually an audience for it.

Really? We have to tell terrible jokes, because...I mean, if you’re not demeaning a woman, it can’t be funny, but if you REALLY demean them then the internet will be grumpy for 10 minutes?

I wouldn’t say talented...

While the bit uses exaggeration, it’s not exposing or ridiculing anything. This is not satire. It is a very broad, very lame joke. Do you find it funny?

I mean, I HAVE met couples like this (not a lot), but that is just crushingly sad to watch. I’m mostly just completely unamused by the joke. I don’t get why people find it funny. It somehow manages to take the straightman/wildcard dynamic, infuse some casual misogyny, and strip it of the humorous aspects. And it is so

Don’t get me wrong. I also am a married man and me and what you’re describing is the exact thing most married couples do. I’m mostly complaining about the bit. I just don’t find it at all funny, and it’s common as hell.

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.

It’s Samsung’s UHD (also known as 4k or 2160p) that has “extra” than the UHD spec. Here, it’s mostly delineating the HDR and whatnot.

The difference between High Definition (720) Full HD (1080p) and Ultra HD (2160p) is real and clearly delineated, even though the words are similar.

It’s Samsung’s UHD (also known as 4k or 2160p) that has “extra” than the UHD spec. Here, it’s mostly delineating the

My first response? GREAT JOB, robbers! No, seriously. I mean, yeah, they’re the assholes for robbing the place, but I’m very happy they showed appropriate restraint with the kid. This could have gone very poorly, and I’m glad that they had the presence of mind not to do something really stupid.

God I hope they don’t go this way. The inclusion of magic is interesting, but I most love the false prophecies. People see magic and believe the prophecies (Stanis is the chosen. Jon is. Daenerys is. Etc.) and do a very people thing. But as soon as someone becomes basically invincible, or the gods are directly

Please differentiate “an actual credible real threat” made via social media and one we shouldn’t pay attention to. This is the problem, because you don’t know who the person is, you don’t have context, how the hell do you tell the randomness of people with anonymity gone wild with a credible threat in such a

That’s for simple hardware streamlining of the “same” xbox. So the “slim” xbox will save money, and net them income, that’s fair. But this isn’t what we’re talking about. We’re talking about the “new” xbox, that will be more graphically powerful (almost 4x the graphical power is their target, moving from 1.3 teraflops

FYI: They REALLY don’t want to sell new consoles every few years. They either make VERY LITTLE money, or lose money when selling the console hardware (and that’s ignoring the very high R&D budget), and it’s not like they sell more games or anything. If they did a refresh, as these are suggesting (ps4 and xb1), the

Dude, waht? At no point is this demonizing white males. The game was written and directed by a white male, starring a white male. How are white males here threatened? Because other people also exist? Because the team is asking why they have made a character such and such a character and exploring if that is right?

Oh my god. Okay, I’ll play once more.

I hate that this is my default reaction, but demands in the millions like this, for relatively low-paying jobs make new inherently distrust the claimant. It honestly says nothing of the merits of the case, but the lack of “reasonable” compensation (which I see as a small multiple of lost wages) here for such a huge

Oh, god, you really are that guy. You are literally arguing that it is somehow immoral to police their own content. And then you want facts and figures about opinions? I mean. Christ.