
1) Make more copies to sell to more people
2) Use more copies and success of campaign to leverage retail deals
3) Profit

You asked, and she died three or four games ago, so...

Literally every time there is climbing in a game I look forward to when this article will come out. It just makes me so damned happy.

This is especially true as Tony is flat-out trying to murder Winter Soldier at the end. He knows that WS was mind controlled, and the person he is looking at isn’t the same as in the video, but he doesn’t care, he will murder the hell out of him and he was okay killing Cap in order to do so.

Looks great, but the MS store won’t see my win 10 system as having win 10. Oh well.

So I guess Peter Moore is really missing his old job at Microsoft?

Kid, you are persistent. I would like to believe that you are doing this with the best of intentions, despite the fact that you refuse to perform any experiments, or to believe any experiments, video footage, or any other proof that exists.

Are you fucking kidding me? In the example I gave, the balls on not being “supported” by the air, they are on the fucking ground. Their HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT is transferring the energy, and this is not done through the air, but through their physical masses actually hitting each other. The air provides resistance (the

You keep asking what the air (in a thruster scenario) pushes off of. This is because you very fundamentally do not understand what is happening.

Every once in a while I forget how mediocre the art in most mainstream comicbooks is, and then I look at that last panel here and am reminded. Oh. Yeah. This is what happens when the most important thing is meeting deadlines.

You nailed it, even though you forgot to mention that they way they make a mission high level is give enemies enough armor to make a tank a bit jealous, so that you have to shoot them literally hundreds of times instead of encouraging players to change tactics or get better at the game. God that Incursion was such a

Sadler didn’t spin Logano, he went up and then down. Logano simply overcompensated and simply lost control, and it was Logano that made the contact. The 2nd and time they show it (1:53) and the last one (from inside the #3 car) seem to make it clear that this was the leader flat-out screwing up, not a bump and spin.

Look at the video (1:53 is a great place to start). He didn’t spin the person in front of him, he faked him out, and the lead car overcompensated, trying to stay in front, and was who actually initiated contact.

Riiiight. I’ll believe it when I see it. The cheating is horrible. I’m already done.

How the hell is Quantum Break, which is reviewed as the first game of this console generation “that hadn’t been done before, couldn’t have been done before,” not on this list? I haven’t played it, so I have no real skin in the game on this one, but guys, it would be good to get such bold statements some sort of

The biggest surprise is how graphically mediocre it looks at the very BEST of times. What the heck is going on?

Not really. The game is REALLY fun for a good 30 hours, and has been a bit of a slog after that (I have quit until they make it fun. The incursion they added is tedious as hell). Still a good 30 hours of a really fun, beautiful, well-crafted game? Definitely worth picking up.

What are you even talking about? We’re talking about employers forcing employees. In a bid scenario such as you’ve presented, the employer would get the bid (finish x work by y date), and if they need to work the employees late to get the work done on time, it should be the employer who pays them the overtime

Limited squats sans heavy weights? She must be doing reps of 1000. Good lord.

You’re clenching the wrong body part ;-)