
You didn’t really pay attention to what I said. I didn’t say that one WAS more realistic, I said that it FELT more representative. This is a BIG DEAL. In The Division, the game uses accurate, realistic cityscapes, with accurate, realistic player models, with acurrate, realistic weapons (looks, recoil, feel, etc.),

Aren’t you just describing Utah?

The difference is in degree. In one, a person can recover from a few shots. In the other, bosses, literally take hundreds of headshots before dying (or, also literally, thousands of body shots). One feels representative of reality, if not slavish to it, the other feels completely ridiculous.

As impressed as I was by the catch up (seriously, wow), I was more angry at yellow. She’s barely even trying! What is she even doing?

I liked The Division A LOT through lvl 30. Played some DZ, which was fun, but pretty quickly grew tiresome. Running farming patterns is even less fun than it sounds. Brief moments of tension (and sometimes death) on extraction weren’t really all that exciting for very long, though.

That WOULD be awesome. But having 200 cameras is very expensive, as well as the fact that even then there would be gaps not filmed, which would have to be CGId in, plus the sheer amount of editing that would take. So, you know. Not for a while, if ever.

That’s not how that works. Increasing texture size increases file size, but increasing output resolution doesn’t change the size of the game at all. I would expect only incremental texture updates (if any), and mostly a bump in total resolution or framerate.

You seem to be insinuating that this article upholds your claim. What the article actually does is say: hey, this is wonderful, fast and well priced. It also is exactly the same price as the other brand which has the same hardware. So from this we learn it isn’t overpriced (same price), nor is it garbage (performs

15 minutes. It’s a very brief orientation thing, an underwater ship thing (where you don’t really do anything, but it’s neat), Space Pirate Trainer (a cool little shooter), and then the Tiltbrush (the 3D painting app). It’s very brief, but gives you a great idea of the system.

I don’t know where they might have Rift units, but I was recently in a Microsoft store (in SLC) that was demoing the Vive. It was pretty freaking great.

You can already sort-of do that, via TrinusVR, though it is only (so far) working with google VR, and you can’t use the usb passthrough on the GearVR (you can use wireless, but that’s super laggy). Samsung and oculus REALLY need to officially support that. It obviously won’t be as good as the Rift, but they really do

I’m sorry, are “real” drivers fourteen year old boys who need it to make vroom noises? And they never take longer trips on more or less straight highways and want to take their hands off the wheel and eat a snack?

Don’t get me wrong, it is a whole hell of a lot of money, but it’s the kind of a lot of money that many people can start considering, whereas the Model S was really just a consideration for the rich.

It’s an affordable, cleaner, faster car, from a company with a stellar record, that has autopilot, etc. The hype has never been about the looks (it looks fine, but very much like a mazda 3, as you pointed out).

Both the Vive and the Rift use two screens for the headsets. Only the PSVR uses a single screen. No offense, but you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about when it comes to this.

I’m sorry, but what? This is 100% wrong.

Yeah, but “serious” fiction programs tend to be stuffy lumps of horseshit anyways. There is some excellent writing going on, for sure, but it is such a bland morass of the same ‘ol that it barely even matters.

I don’t know what your point is. You asked if people still get sued. They do. Whether or not that is particularly effective is a completely different question in much dispute.

Yes they do. You can’t really sue millions of people, but you CAN sue a good few thousand and make them pay exorbitant fines as an example for others. Most won’t get caught, but the ones that DO get caught will really get fucked in the ass, hard, and without any lube, with the blessings of the court.

Awesome, thanks! I didn’t want to grind up to 320 (I’m 318 and 317 and can’t be arsed to do that) just to do PoE garbage. Some PoE and some Kingsfall sounds just right!