
So it sounds like you can only get beyond 320 by doing the PoE grind? I mean, I guess....I’ll do this a little? It’s a decent little mode, and I’m glad they’re making it relevant, but I never really liked the prison of elders. Grinding raids can be annoying, but at least it is a fun extended map. PoE feels like

I don’t know. It’s a perfect post, so I’d give it a 5/7.

hmmm, maybe I’m just wrong on that.

Nope, screw that. I live that the fear is there. Granted, it’s only for DZ gear that had the DZ lvl requirement. Regular gear can’t lose levels

No, most people play nice. ESPECIALLY as they gain DZ levels, as going rogue will pretty much destroy your DZ rank. It’s way more tense for lower levels, where getting bumped from level 7 to level 6 or 5 isn’t a problem, but if you’re lvl 30 and get booted down to 25, you suddenly can’t use a lot of your DZ gear.

Honestly? I hope the dev simply fulfills the stretch goals and then moves on. Games don’t need to be developed infinitely. While some games work wonderfully that way, not all do (or even can), so this just needs to get everything done and then end, chaulking it up to a decent, if not great, and then he needs to work

Eh, a LOT of people made 32xbox jokes, before and after the Penny Arcade strip. It’s really low hanging fruit.

Because to have things, you have to keep what is yours, and not give to others. While this isn’t an either or (you can have things AND give things to people, in moderation), it can feel like you are never doing enough, that you are comfortable only because someone else is miserable, that even though you have worked

Thank god I’m not that artist, but yes, I know how these kinds of errors happen. While it’s veeeeeery slightly possible the person stole it on purpose, it’s extremely doubtful, and looks to be a silly mistake.

Any gaming system is basically unusable over wifi @ 1080p. The technological limitation is simply too great. That won’t change for a half dozen years at least. As it is, steamlink is great over a wired connection, but still has enough latency that really twitch based games should be passed on, but most action games,

yup! Excellent news!

Seriously. Not only is that kind of muscle REEEEALLY difficult to get naturally, but there is literally no way that 3x/week could even come close to maintaining it without lots of chemical assistance.

Wow, this is some QUALITY nonsense.

I agree about the idea that its controversial. Dude, everyone knows this, it’s okay to say it out loud.

1) I don’t disagree that AAA games don’t tend to innovate particularly.

I mean, sure? Maybe? But sequels almost always just iterate on the main design tenets. There are cool, neat, fantastic new features in PLENTY of AAA games, but they are all just that rote iteration, rather than experimentation that he’s calling for.

What Spector says: AA games aren’t doing anything new, just refining old ideas. Only indie studios are doing anything new.

I’m going to end this conversation after this. I’ll read your comment, if you feel you would like to get in some last words, but this conversation won’t go anywhere. Using assets from the internet and other places is common as a kind of art placeholder. The artist slaps down a bunch of things that they are aiming for,

So you think they very deliberately stole as very recognizable picture from a very high profile release under the direct consequences of legal action? And you think that THAT is the more likely scenario over an artist grabbing an image that suited the theme as a temporary placeholder and then forgetting to actually

YUP. I feel gross now.