
Mobile gaming.
Where good and interesting game concepts go to die due to pathetic business practices that have become the norm.

I seriously don't know if I can take this anymore. It's like everybody had cotton in their ears when Ubisoft originally said the controversial comments.

Here's your first lesson: they're people, treat them as such, and you'll win game of the year in writing.

So you think that opening a game development studio and raising the tens of millions of dollars necessary to make a AAA title on the level of an AC game is "simple?"

Ewww. Why does Kotaku insist on giving this delusional misandrist any attention? She has already been busted for propagating outright lies to spread hate.


What it boils down to is this: Game design is a creative process. Or at least, it used to be. Developers should be free to make the games THEY want to make, regardless of politics. If you went to a digital artist and complained that his works did not contain the sort of races or genders you want to see, he'd shrug and

Or, for a franchise that actually makes money, Pokemon Snap.

A Real Time Strategy game, similar to Starcraft and Command and Conquer, utilizing the strength of the Wii U touch screen controller. Emphasis on strategy puzzle solving, rather than Macro mechanics.

Mario galaxy 3 or sunshine 2

I think most people want a Majora's Mask remake because of all the teasing of it. Ruby and Sapphire got teased forever and we knew it was coming.

Direct the anger towards real strip clubs. I grew up playing gta games, watching campy action flicks, all the violence and hypersexualisation of the 80's and 90's. I don't objectify women, or abuse them, or siply look at them as objects.

This isn't just a matter of women being relegated to supporting roles in popular big-budget games, however. More often than not, these female subjects that fill out the background of the world in a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution or Red Dead Redemption aren't subjects at all. Rather, they're built as virtual

Gotta love all the SJW with their pitchforks about an irrelevant issue. I'd love to see them try and do this with Movies and other forums of entertainment.

I'm not white nor am I a man and I don't need a character that fits my exact sex and race to be able to identify with them. After all, that would be sexist/racist of me. As for representation - when there are more minorities than white heterosexual men buying and developing games, we'll see more of them.

Am I missing why Kotaku is trying to tell me that is a huge deal? Is this really such a civil rights problem that in the kind of story that Assassin's Creed runs with in the times of history that they go through, that there isn't a major female protagonist? You don't need to shoehorn every group into something for

What's with all the Social Justice Warriors picking fights with Ubisoft? This is like the absolute LAST game developer that the SJW/feminist crowd should ever be nitpicking and looking for something to bitch about. There are plenty of real issues concerning women found elsewhere.

You're nonstop power trip about everything needing more women is very disgusting and needs to be pulled back. You are acting like this issue is serious and truly affects reality, when it doesn't. There are woman all over the game industry and just because a girl isn't playable doesn't mean their impact on the overall

"This is an embarrassing problem that the gaming industry must solve, instead of continuing to ignore half the world's population."

There are a lot of women in game development and you of all people should know this. When I worked at EA there was a large number of female animators/graphic designers, hell even some coders. There are also many games that come out with female leads, so really please leave the gossip/tmz crap off this site.