i think my main problem with this is... if the developers dont want to make a female character, how is that not their right to do so?
i think my main problem with this is... if the developers dont want to make a female character, how is that not their right to do so?
Oh look, its this "article" again. Gotta keep that clickbait quota right?
I'll just go ahead and wait for Kotaku to write an article explaining that the "female character" was just a co-op skin for the other team members and not the actual player.
Exactly. I wouldn't have minded playing as a female in GTA 5 and I loved Tomb Raider DE. I just care about the game not BS social justice outrage.
As a female gamer...I don't give a shit if there's a playable female character or not. If the game is good, I'll play it. If it sucks, I probably won't. Just because the character on the screen is a different gender from me, doesn't mean I cannot get into that character. Hell, even if the character isn't HUMAN, I can…
Maybe they should have done a twitter campaign to support AC Liberation when it came out on vita and again when it came to ps3 and 360?
Anything that involves women (or the lack thereof) incites controversy. Grow the fuck up. No man on Earth complained about Bayonetta nor Lara Croft, the latter having multiple games over the last few decades.
Christ! You guys are like piranha voraciously descending upon a single fish that dares swim out of sync with the Social Justice Warriors.
careful, they'll label you sexist if you don't agree with them.
I didn't even realize it was a controversy until just now. I really don't think they intentionally left out female designs just to be assholes.
It makes me a little sad that this is going to be the tin can people beat on for the next few years when there are many more relevant issues in the gaming industry.
They never promised this as a Zelda game, that was a tech demo.
Did no one remember the whole Zelda Space world thing? 2000 Tech demo image compared to the next game (Wind Waker)
Is it available to everyone? Yes.
It is easy to learn? Yes.
/Not a game killer.
Fuck no. People target the "Furries" all the fucking time in saints row. I'm sorry but your argument is invalid and so is this article and the people bitching about a fucking game. People equating game to reality=dumbasses who give gamers the reputation of not being able to separate reality from fiction. It goes in…
was a good game too actually...
In all honestly, I actually think the actor who played Goku, would have made a great Teen Gohan.
Congratulations internet, Nintendo heard your voice... now stop your bitching and saying that Nintendo doesn't listen!
And there you have it. They made a mistake, they apologized and I can actually believe that it would be hard to patch something like this in since making relationships is a core part of the game itself.
As someone in full support of marriage equality, I feel that the outrage over this was really kinda' crazy... and by kinda', I mean extremely.
I develop for a game with a relationship system that allows for same-sex relationships. The idea that including those was as simple as "commenting out a single line of code" is a gross oversimplification. It sounds like something my non-programming boss would say. At the very least, you have to build a system to allow…
Save $70 on the operating system, but spend hundreds extra on the hardware?