
It’s time to test that theory:

They couldn’t find any more aquarium cleaner to snort.

Majorie Taylor Greene makes Sarah Palin look intelligent.

Or the Original American Network of Greatness and Excellence (OrANGE)

What?! Repurpose the Environmental Pillaging Agency?!

Don’t know. Part of this guy, probably

“I don’t use social media, but I was a very different person 10 years ago and the current relevance of anything that version of me wrote would be dubious at best.”

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner here! Tell us what he’s won, Johnny.

“It’s not clear how Twitter plans to moderate these discussions or prevent them from becoming a vehicle for harassment, bigotry, and scams.”

Another thing the right wingers have ruined.

Kathleen Kennedy is responsible for The Mandalorian. If you want to blame her for the ones you don’t like, you must credit her for the ones you do.

Men have been fucking up this world for literal centuries. Literal. Centuries.

There is something delicious about a bunch of MAGA and right wing crazies fleeing to a site named after a French verb.

I questioned my sanity, but it kept saying “I don’t have to say anything to you, copper” in an Edward G. Robinson accent and I chose not to press the issue.

He won’t. He’s allowed to use the benefits because it now affects him and he is a faultless victim. But nobody else can use them, because it’s entirely their fault.

Until Rowling sells all rights to the franchise, everything Harry Potter, from this game to a poorly made bookmark, has a portion go to her.

As a dev myself, yeah I feel bad for the devs. It’s a lot of negativity and I know they gave their best, probably even trying to get some inclusive content in, and making it as wonderful as they can. I get happy from seeing people enjoy what I made.
But as a dev who is also on a project that I’m not 100% enthused

I understand your reasoning, but I disagree.  It affects her more than zero. If enough of her projects fail, she eventually becomes irrelevant. The thing about celebrities using their status as a platform is that we provided that platform. We can at least try to take away her megaphone.

Trans person here and also an avid gamer and someone who loved everything Potter. I obviously can’t speak for all trans people, but I won’t be buying this game no matter how brilliant it is, and honestly all things Potter now have a stain on it from my perspective. And I say this as a trans person who could even sort