
I’ve never seen that happen in all my years playing beer league. Hockey sticks are too expensive there would be fights if that happened, and there no face offs.

Eexcuse me while I get my rubber strap and syringe

Is that from the one Kurt Cobain wrote, or the one Billy Corgan wrote?

Self Check-out/ express:

Like an Alana Turing Test?

Please settle a debate: Is Back to the Future a sci-fi movie?

Are we the baddies?

Isn’t amazing? The league parity in these playoffs are making EVERY DAMN SERIES a crapshoot and I love it!!

“I wish Patrick Roy was alive to see this.”

Consumer Reports is excellent. Your apparent opinion of them is uneducated.

For a defenseman in his first NHL game, he did a really good job fending off Backlund and got off a good shot with the guy draped all over him.

Lighten up, Francois.

To be fair, if there is ever a tornado bearing down on Michael Wilbon, I also hope that no one tells him.

Julian Assange is the Bernie Bros. R. Kelly.

Methodists and Mexican bandits.

Now playing

Soon only robots will be allowed to participate in games that could cause injury..like football..and boxing..

A robot basketball player? Really? Japan, if you’re working on anything less than a Gundam or Robot Godzilla then you’re wasting my fucking time.

I'm convinced I saw Kyle Guy marching with a torch at the Unite the Right rally.

I can’t comment on the men’s locker room as, you know, lady parts and all, but I was at the gym earlier today and I can’t understand why the Old Dudes just HANG OUT at the gym for hours and hours and hours. I get in and get out. I rode the bike today and there was an OD standing (not working) on a treadmill in front

Perhaps my ultimate food hot take: