
If only his term as POTUS was one year…

They cut off my (third) leg, now I’m an amputee goddamn you.

Maybe the mechanical failure was in his hazard lights!

So is Elizabeth II the only Welfare Queen the Tories will accept?

I don’t know - I’ve smelled some pretty foul hockey gloves.

Or make them play a football game against the guards. Would Adam Sandler be an improvement at QB though?

I never understood the loathing conservatives had for Bubba. He was the best Republican president since Ike.

The straw in his beer is proof that he’s a Hillary Clinton/Harvey Weinstein plant paid by George Soros.

One of my favorite DJ’s once said Dave Matthews is classically trained who got the best musicians from the other local groups while Hootie is a bar band who struck lightning.

The ironic part is that it looks like it’s for Corona which is closer to the former than the latter.

I hear ya. I just know a lot of people would be holding their nose with Cuomo (and Webb).

What about Cuomo?

This needs more love…

Before his Super Bowl performance, I asked people’s favorite Petty song.

I totally agree! I just screwed up the title with Tomorrow Never Dies.

Auuugh! I have no idea how I screwed that up.

I’m partial to The World is Not Enough, but I think that has a lot to do with Michelle Yeoh and especially the motorcycle chase.


Wait, people in Alabama care about the NFL?

I enjoy Chris Thompson’s counterprogramming posts, but he tends to fall back on his basketball and soccer preferences while rarely mentioning things like hockey, baseball, golf and motorsports. He’s trying, but I find a lot of helpful commenters.