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    I would take Guardians of the Galaxy over Dune.

    People forget that he was once on The Warped Tour.

    And Clerks. Also, Pump Up The Volume.

    My Dad once met Colonel Sanders. He confirms everything you say.

    Nice Nigtmare on Elm Street reference.

    At least he didn’t say anything about Wu.

    I think that point has clearly already been reached.

    Lusa is the Portuguese equivalent of Latina.

    In Rhode Island, they call milkshakes cabinets. Sounds like something Christie would enjoy.

    The real question is where were the Bothans?

    Serpentor will obviously be a resurrected Half-Reagan/Half-Nixon monstrosity.

    Nixon was not impeached. He resigned before he could be. Only Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached.

    The X-Men have been terrible since the second time Jean Grey died. On a similar note, I am re-reading the Inferno storyline. It just reinforces how much better the X-Men were 20+ years ago. Now they are Marvel’s footnote.

    There was nothing disappointing about Cuban Linx II.