It’s like as
TexasAmerica shifts further and further left, the remaining Republicans in power get even more deranged and desperate.
It’s like as
TexasAmerica shifts further and further left, the remaining Republicans in power get even more deranged and desperate.
It’s like as Texas shifts further and further left, the remaining Republicans in power get even more deranged and desperate.
I kind of wish he had a super heavy Minnesotan accent, and I also kind of wish when he killed Theon he would have looked right at the camera and had asked: “Cold enough for ya?”.
You mean the goal the Federalist society and Mitch McConnell has been working towards feverishly for years? Ya, we are fucked.
Yeah, it’s like...he’s nobody. He wasn’t that good of a player, didn’t make any big splashes. Never won anything. Wasn't popular or known in the zeitgeist. How that guy gets this insane amount of ball washing is baffling.
Starting Strength and an app like “Run, Zombies!” is pretty decent. All you need is a gym membership and some pavement.
From someone who lifts to one of my favorite Kotaku commentors: don’t do situps, do leg raises / six inches, planks, and hold crunches. Sit ups don’t do nearly as much as any of those.
i am also a fan of 3-5 minute boxing rounds. If you have a heavy bag, its better, but even shadow boxing, those nuke your cardio and give your arms and obliques a visaully pleasing tone.( i add sets of 10 both sides roundhouse kicks, side kicks, back kicks, wheel kicks, and inside-outside and outside-inside kicks,…
Totally agree. I think people underestimate the power of planks because 1. they look “too simple” and 2. as I look around in gyms and yoga classes, it appears most people aren’t taught to tuck their tailbones under in a plank (activating abdominal muscles naturally, and in the plane they were designed to move in); if…
Was going to write a follow up actually. Instead of sit ups use planks, instead of running do HIIT Cardio I personally like the eliptical as I am heavy and running for long periods hurts my knees, take rest days (training hard is not superior to training smart) and watch your diet which is the most important.…
I did basically this but without the anime inspiration last year, went from 180lbs to 155lbs basically doing 100+ push ups in sets of 25, sit ups about the same, and running maybe a 5k a couple days a week. I’m really not into the idea of going to a gym and I don’t own weight equipment, but I think I proved you don’t…
It’s all about turnout. Turnout in Presidential election years is higher than the years in between. Beto didn’t win in Texas, but he did lead a “blue wave” that swept many Democrats into local offices in Texas. Many Republicans in “safe” seats only won by a hair. Texas Democrats are hoping for something similar in…
the GOP has made voter registration very difficult in Texas, particularly efforts to register voters by volunteer/nonprofit groups. we are a low-voting state because the GOP doesn’t want people to vote, here. they hate their constituents unless they’re rich people from Highland Park and Houston.
Beto’s 2018 run gave Dems in this state a structure of grassroots organizing we haven’t had in a long, long time. It won’t be hard to bring a lot of those organizations back together if the candidate is even remotely likeable. Cornyn sucks and comes off as a colossal piece of shit; Joaquin seems like a good choice…
“One does not simply fall in to Ankh-Morpork River.” ~ Ned Stark, Throne of the Rings
Well okay, but we also gifted the world such non-white blights as Barbara Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon, Travis Scott, and Beyonce.
“Bloody foreigners, coming to our country, taking our jobs, imposing their way of life on us. I won’t stand for it!”
If you’re patient and plan ahead, fool proof steak is ridiculously trivial with a sous vide. Just set temperature for as rare as you like. Then, sear it in “a rippin’ hot pan, bro!” for 15 - 30 seconds per side.
This whole thread is just how not to cook steak. Searing in juices isn't even a fuking thing, searing removes moisture and does absolutely nothing to contain it
“High heat buttered” and “not smoking” are mutually contradictory unless you are using clarified butter.