Dr. Acula

Something I really like in this show, and which helped this episode work as well than it did, that despite being beaten down and far from that youthful enthusiasm, there is something righteous in Perry, Della, probably soon to be poor Pete and Paul. That something in them that just can’t let that injustice happen as

Hey, you should leave Zuckerberg alone. I worked for him for a little while, and he’s really a nice guy. He helped me find the best hammock place in the Hammock District over on Third, and after I decided to quit, he still gave me ownership of the Denver Broncos, and even though I had really wanted the Dallas

No, nobody believed she was quitting. Or at least, no one thought that who also understood what Nanette was trying to do as a show. It’s pretty clear that the “quitting comedy” comments in Nanette are rhetorical devices meant to show how intractable the conflict between her life experiences and traditional modes of

This was the first time in history anyone did 75 takes of a lecture.

its a little odd as someone who has worked from home for years seeing how people are losing it because they have to stay home. i guess we hermit people were just biding our time before we could take our rightful place as rulers

if people assume their jobs are safe no matter how terribly they work, then the work is only going to be mediocre.

I do admire the ballsiness of bringing him back in the opening scroll though, it’s a reverse Poochie. NOTE: Emperor Palpatine was revived on the way from his home planet.

Is that sarcasm? Most of us love Star Wars despite the iffy writing, not because if it.

They goddamn better

Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.

It’s OK” seems to be the consensus.

There aren’t enough bad things to cover all the bad things that should happen to McConnell.

You said it, man.  Nobody fucks with the AlienJesus.

Adam Sandler turned into John Turturro so slowly I barely  noticed.

That’s a Fiennes Tiffin you have there, Hero.  If would be a shame if something were to happen to it.

There can only be one Mike Pence.

Glasnow picked the worst possible time to adopt glasnost.

I haven’t been this mad at Cousins since Grandpa died without a will.

I think we really need to ask the question: will games like this encourage our young people to become mischievous geese?

He wonders why McQueary remembers the campus as being deserted on the night he says he witnessed the assault (Feb. 9, 2001), even though there was a hockey game and a Barenaked Ladies concert on campus that night.