Dr. Acula

I just think it’s sad that he didn’t even take her on a date until after they were married.

All I know is that if there aren’t some serious Emmy nominations for this I am going to burn the whole academy down.

Mack Moves From Smallville to Big House

I liked Popstar: Never Stop Stopping about 6.4 times better than I thought I would.

I still remember when I first realized that. I was 15 and had begun writing out bass tabs for my favorite band on an early site devoted to their music. I pretty clearly explained on each one that I was a relatively new player, and these were my best guesses.

A shower AND a grower

Pancakes. He made pancakes.

To verify it’s provenance, they had to dust the guitar for prince.

Prince could have played a... well, a piece of toast and make it sound good.

Counterpoint: FUCK YEAH

Can we have an Old Republic movie series set during the Jedi Civil War/Sith Wars. Or better yet a series that doesn’t focus on the Jedi but one that focuses exclusively on the Sith. Darth Bane and the rise of the Rule of Two I think would make for compelling films if done right.

I show King of Kong to my Spec Ed English classes to illustrate how a good storyteller can make you care about any topic. They get so wrapped up in it and are always a bit let down to see some random dude holds the title now

at levels previously unseen

RDR is the only game I can think of that I’ve ever finished to 100% completion. It was soooooo good.

Okay. I want this polished to the point I can see my face in it. This is a game that should never be rushed to meet a deadline, take all the time in the world Rockstar. A sequel to a game of a generation doesn’t come along all that often after all.

sounds like new york city itself is the real main character.

Scientology had a sizable cult of followers 30 years after Hubbard made it all up. Doesn’t follow that it’s based on something real.

The Last Jedi can be understood as a metaphor for George Lucas and the prequel trilogy, where: Luke represents Lucas, and Kylo represents all the whining fanboys who blamed him for their disappointed expectations. Horrified at the rejection by his followers, and feeling responsible, Luke/Lucas abandons his great

Forget it Xanderpuss, it’s Kinjatown.
