I have played the first two of those. Thanks!
I have played the first two of those. Thanks!
Thank ya!
I really enjoyed that demo. Thanks!
Actually, come to think of it, even with the article title, Pinero's talking about Xbox Live users *around the world,* not just registered U.S. voters.
Blood Bowl's getting a sequel?
I'd love to see some sort of military shooter with the overall goofball attitude of Team Fortress 2. Like ... basically the sort of game the Soldier would enjoy. Or like that Bulletstorm "Duty Calls" parody with jokes that aren't so obvious.
Whoops, sorry.
"Xbox Live has about 40 million members around the world"
"And with the constant media reminders of politicians who seem keen on mandating the ways a woman can be in charge of her own body"
I didn't really care for the Eldar when I first got Dark Crusade (thank God for Steam sales!), but once I gave them a chance and really began to understand how they work, I came to love their hit-and-run tactics. But thanks! =)
I want to play as the Eldar!
I was wondering how Squad Command turned out. Thanks!
This. Sounds. Delish. I want it. Even if the actual product looks nasty.
... Yep.
Thank you! =)
Actually, if ... say, you had two squads, one "good" and one "evil," shooting at each other, and you were Mother Nature and could move terrain and small rock formations around like a slide puzzle (so you couldn't control the squads but could control whether they had access to cover), I think that could be a neat…
I also don't very much care for Miranda's face in the game, in terms of looking like Yvonne's, but I've come to accept it.
(From GamersGate)
In a manner of speaking, yes. (Bioshock SPOILERS for everyone else) The amount of ADAM you get is slightly less (80+80+80+200 = 440 [saving] versus 160+160+160 = 480 [harvesting]), but yes, you do get plenty of other items inside those teddy bears.